
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 14, 2009 4:37 PM. The previous post in this blog was No particulate place to go. The next post in this blog is Nationalize AIG. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Sweater is on the carpet

Former Portland City Council candidate Jeff "the Sweater" Bissonnette is in the news again -- and for his buddies, the news isn't good. He and they have managed to make the politicians in Salem unhappy, which doesn't bode well for the tax-financed money pot known as the Energy Trust of Oregon. The 13% pay raise that the boss of the place just got isn't helping.

Comments (9)

If this fee/tax isn't going to be used for the purpose it was set up for, they need to just remove it. Otherwise, Bissonnette is spot on with his objection.

The Energy Trust has helped Oregon ratepayers and businesses save millions through partnerships, tax credits, efficiencies, incentives, etc... it would be shame to see it wither away. That being said, there's no way Harris deserves a 13% pay increase, given the state of things. Can anyone find her salary somewhere in the public records?

Would the state steal the proposed gas tax increase for schools too.

This is exactly the thing that ticks of everyone. We pay a tax for a specific purpose, the state steals it and then tries to raise the tax b/c they don't have enough funds.

This sounds like the beginning of a discussion about a much-needed initiative petition.

At this point in the state's financial history, you do have to wonder why we're sending money to the Kroger grocery store chain for lighting upgrades while we close police precincts and fire stations.

The Energy Trust has helped Oregon ratepayers and businesses save millions through partnerships, tax credits, efficiencies, incentives, etc.

If the savings are so great, why do taxpayers have to pay for it?


If I recall correctly, the Energy Trust was supposed to get of the public teat in 2012.

However, in the last legislative session the D's slipped in some language in a totally unrelated bill to keep the Energy Trust funded with tax *um* rate payer money through 2020.

Just another example of Big Government robbing Peter to incentivize Paul to do what is already in Paul's best interest.

Money that would have otherwise lowered ratepayer's bills.

We used to have the cheapest electric rates in the West thanks to abundant hydropower. Similarly, nature (and the founders of Bull Run) provide us with a sustainable source of fresh drinking water, but idiots like Randy Leonard make it more and more expensive each year.

I had an Energy Trust audit of my house a couple of years ago and the inspector gave me a lot of pointers, as well as a list of contractors who could do various jobs and information on tax deductions and credits. It saved me a fair amount of money and I haven't even implemented all the recommendations yet.

I'm not all that concerned about Harris's salary bump. It's certainly not Peggy Fowler money. It might have been a poor year to hand out salary increases, but I understand she and others there went several years without any raises.

Sure, we used to have all the cheap hydro power we needed, back when there were only a couple million people drawing on it. Now with nearly three times as many consumers, it's not enough. Today, the cheapest way to generate power is to conserve it and Energy Trust is a great thing for Oregon.

Today, the cheapest way to generate power is to conserve it and Energy Trust is a great thing for Oregon.

Oh, my, my...

Gil, you forgot to add the "truly" before the "great" in your breathless paean.

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