
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 21, 2009 3:20 PM. The previous post in this blog was The fuse is burning. The next post in this blog is Who am I? 24601!. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Scrooges of the Decade (So Far)

Some readers of this blog think I'm an old grouch. They might be right. But none of my curmudgeonly rants hold a candle to this story. If there's any justice, the neighbors who don't want to hear the laughter of children will someday get what they deserve instead. Maybe a nice, quiet nuclear waste dump.

Comments (4)

OK, OK, the neighbors need to grow up. But the school director opens up shop without a permit? How grown up is that? How responsible? Puh-leeze.

Children in America behaved, quiet and disciplined? roflmao ha ha ha ha.

But the school director opens up shop without a permit? How grown up is that? How responsible? Puh-leeze.

Moving some parts of the development along ahead of the permitting process is unfortunately a pretty standard thing, even for some pretty well known large developments.

It looks like an excellent idea. On paper.

It's the 84 vehicle trips per day that I find interesting. That, of course, would be miniscule to the number of vehicle trips past my front door every day, but more than they are used to, obviously. I'd think that some of the children could be walking to school...but, noooo. I'll bet that most of them are SUVpooled in for the experience.

They should invest in a school jitney.

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