
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 28, 2009 7:16 PM. The previous post in this blog was The bureaucratic mind. The next post in this blog is What's in a name?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Saturday, March 28, 2009

New verb

Me: "I'll send you the directions by e-mail."

He: "Can you just Facebook it to me? The e-mail server here is down."

Comments (8)

That and "friend me"

That one's not new. I used to try to get girls to do that in high school.

Facebook IS more reliable than some of my e-mail accounts. Just don't twit me.

Even the company I work for has a Facebook account. They were trying to get everyone at work on there. I really dont get it though. MySpace either. Im far from a Luddite, but I just dont get the attraction. Plus, I dont need my employer knowing anything about my personal life.

Facebook is like a high-maintenance family member: a poor ratio of effort in to benefit out.

Facebook is to friendship what stamp collecting is to writing letters while traveling the world.

the funniest part is watching folks dumbly march from one "social networking" site to another, as each rises and fades in popularity. Facebook is the fifth one in less than 8 years.

George Carlin called things like Facebook "where narcissists go to bathe."

Funny, I go to Facebook to network as well. I have been only only 5 weeks and have done $4000 worth of new business. In these times, everything helps.

You'll have to excuse me, I need to "go bathe"

Funny, I go to Facebook to network as well. I have been only only 5 weeks and have done $4000 worth of new business.

uh huh. nice try. maybe next week you'll double your take, and if I act now, I'll get a free carrying case?

meanwhile, there's a great quickie interview with all the Blazer stars in today's paper. when each is asked how they feel about Twitter, every one basically replied "huh? who cares?"

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