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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Local hero

This is the political Quotation of the Year so far -- hands down. Multnomah County Chair Ted Wheeler to Portland City Commissioner Randy "Pele" Leonard:

After engaging in a spirited fight with Leonard on the possible effects of the deal on the county's already anemic budget, Wheeler told Leonard: "I'm new on the job, but I wasn't born yesterday."
Touché, Ted! This guy is racking up big points.

Comments (19)

Randy, meanwhile, came off as the spoiled, entitled little punk that he is in that exchange.

I guess it's easy to ignore fiscal calamity happening to others when you've got your nice, fat fireman's pension to fall back upon, isn't it, Randy?

Hey don't be talking about my man Randy that way--at least not if you own a business inside the city limits of Portland. God knows what those inspectors might find at your shop.

Wheeler had several epic remarks. Add the Fish remarks about "this is like an engagement before the marriage".

I don't think being Leonard's children would be fun. He sure can lecture in an unpleasant way.

Quite frankly, I was disappointed by the ploys brought forth by Ted. Multnomah County's issues are indeed dire. However, much of the challenge with Multnomah County rests in the lack of oversight given to its budgeting and spending practices. Until Multnomah County is willing to take a look at its administrative largesse, lack of accountability, mishandling of funds and anemic managerial capability, they will continue to act like the "pot calling the tea kettle black". Ted won no points by decrying the lack of transparency in the process, given the County's lack of same.

All that said, you'd still have to agree that MultCo is in a much better position to "take a look at its administrative largesse, lack of accountability, mishandling of funds and anemic managerial capability" and avoid acting like the '"pot calling the tea kettle black'" if its funds aren't continually poured into sports stadia for Portland, right?

Or are you saying that MultCo should have rolled over on this, allowing Portland to further impoverish the County to stroke the egos on the City Council?

Actually, the city is still going to do that. Although they took out the part about a new urban renewal district for the PGE Park do-over, they're still going to divert property taxes from the gigantic Convention Center urban renewal district to pay for the Coliseum teardown and the new baseball deal there.

Ted Wheeler for Mayor! As soon as possible!

Before everyone pontificates upon the virtuous Mr. Wheeler, look into the management-to-line-staff ratio at Mother Multnomah. Also, look into the extremely over market value of Multnomah County staff. There are several people making $80K+ that would be in the $35-45K pay range in the private sector.

While a pointed quotation, put the breaks on the talk about how great of a public servant he is; a wolf in sheep clothing indeed!

There are several people making $80K+ that would be in the $35-45K pay range in the private sector.

I think the last year or so, esp. w/ respect to our financial industry, should finally put to rest this myth that "the private sector" is a bastion of fiscal prudence and caution.


I concur with your assessment. The private sector is now leeching on taxpayers and the line is blurred even more.

That said, Ted inherited an angry girls club and has been paying down MultCo's debt and has done some positive things. I still think of the Wapato debacle v2.1 that failed last year. They spent $500K recruiting and dealing to open it as an alcohol/drug treatment facility, yet they closed up the idea with nothing more than wasted funds over a wet dream.

My thoughts after watching much of the council meeting on the portlandonline website...

* I thought Ted Wheeler's comments were right on the money and well-said. Kudos to Ted.

* Randy Leonard did not present himself well. He was very patronizing to those who disagreed with this project and I thought a lot of his comments were demeaning, not necessary, and better suited for a different forum. I was particularly amazed at this comment that starting now, he will have to reassess how the city works with the county on funding issues, because of Ted Wheeler's concerns over UR funds and the impact thereof. Very childish, unprofessional, and not at all what we should expect of our elected leaders. I want funding decisions and partnerships crafted along logical lines, not bruised egos.

* The Blazers rep opened my eyes as to what their interest is. I never considered how they might see it. That being said, I don't have THAT much sympathy to their concerns, being as they haven't exactly pushed forward aggressively to develop the dead zone around the Rose Garden. And I'm still mad at Paul Allen for allowing one of his companies to declare bankruptcy, thus screwing his small, local Portland vendors, while he's one of the richest people in the world.

* Amanda Fritz's comments as to the best and highest use of the Rose Quarter public property were excellent.

* Why did Sam Adams allow the soccer fans to clap whenever they wanted, when at every other council meeting, clappers are admonished to only wave their hands to show support? I'm just askin'

* While I appreciated that they took the $15M UR money out of the equation, I'm now scared - they'll find that $15M somewhere... and maybe now that will be in a manner that's even less transparent and realistic. It would be ironic if the new source for that funding ended up with a more negative impact that the UR contribution would have been....

"* Why did Sam Adams allow the soccer fans to clap whenever they wanted, when at every other council meeting, clappers are admonished to only wave their hands to show support? I'm just askin'"

Because they are his sycophants.

"* While I appreciated that they took the $15M UR money out of the equation, I'm now scared - they'll find that $15M somewhere... and maybe now that will be in a manner that's even less transparent and realistic. It would be ironic if the new source for that funding ended up with a more negative impact that the UR contribution would have been...."

Don't worry - Fireman Randy already said it won't come from the "general fund" even though Jack has already shown how this is a complete smokescreen...

Maybe Randy Leonard can contribute the $15M from one or another of his public pension benefits.

Randy is as big a liar as Mayor Creepy.

The League of Liars runs this City.

I'm hearing now he'll just go to Salem and ask for taxpayer money to makeup the gap.

I don't think being Leonard's children would be fun. He sure can lecture in an unpleasant way.

Just imagine how unpleasant the spoiled brat could be in private. That approach hasn't worked out well for at least one (check comments) of his children.

I don't know if he has other kids, but, if so, they have my sympathy - the Leonard doesn't change his spots.

I would be shocked to see a majority of Oregon Legislators approve a nickel worth of subsidies for a ballpark or a soccer stadium remodel.

If they do, I hope they include ten times as much money for a new Sellwood Bridge. Because it's at least ten times more important than underwriting Hank Paulson's kid.

The cost estimate for the remodel of PGE Park and the new stadium includes installation of solar panels. State law requires that 1.5% of the total contract price for new construction or major renovation of a public building be spent on solar energy. That's about $1,335,000 million. Whether there are green dollars available for the solar energy and other green elements of the stadiums is a question someone else will have to answer. I still suspect that federal stimulus dollars will eventually end up feeding this monster.

Yosemite Leonard showed his true colors this week: that he is for Big Business and Big Soccer and not the average Portlander. Ted W.for Governor!

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