
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 5, 2009 11:18 AM. The previous post in this blog was It does not compute. The next post in this blog is Reader poll: How long before you eat peanuts again?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

A waste of ink

Here's a candidate for Portland's most-scoffed law ever: Bicyclists aren't supposed to turn right off the Portland Transit Mall any more.

As if.

Go get 'em, Officer Hoesly.

Comments (18)

The proposed style of turn is basically the "box style" of left turn in the 2006 version of the Oregon Bicyclist Manual published by ODOT.


It's a fine option when merging across lanes to turn is impractical because of car traffic. Some cyclists might ignore the proposed style of turn, and others won't know about it at first. I suspect that the unpleasantness of turning across tracks in front of a train will bring about pretty high compliance. As set forth in the ODOT Manual, there's no requirement to use the crosswalk on the second part of the "turn."

I've been doing turns like this for years without any problems (though as Mapes says, usually, it's making a left). Heading east on Weidler and turning north onto Williams is the place where I do it most frequently. I'm sure there are some crazy cyclists who try other things, but it's really the only safe way to make that turn.

However, I think what you're really going to see is exactly what you saw with the old bus mall: unless you have no other option, bikes and cars alike will avoid the 5th and 6th as much as possible. The only people who will spend more than a block or two on those streets are out-of-towners who are lost (and are usually driving the wrong way or in the bus-only lanes anyway). The rest of us know to just use 3rd, 4th, Broadway, etc.

I think that the specter of going over the handlebars because of the tracks in the street, as well as being run down by a 20t bus or 60t train might help cyclists to remember how it works.

I'm setting the over / under on a transit mall death at three weeks after the official open.


I'm fairly sure that the speed limit laws are the most scoffed...by far.

This rule may be built on shaky ground. According to Oregon State law, bicycles are considered vehicles and subject to vehicular laws. If cars are allowed to turn right, then bicycles should be as well.

However I agree that there are other options that any intelligent, safety-seeking bicyclist would rather pursue - chief of which is completely avoiding the transit mall in favor of other streets. Anybody who has gone down on tracks does not want to repeat the experience.

Mandating a "no right turn" rule doesn't remove the danger. I've seen a couple of instances where the wheels of bike riders on 10th and 11th have slipped into the ruts for the streetcar tracks, stopping them cold and NW is full of diagonal tracks that must be carefully negotiated.

I recall reading somewhere that the pervert squatting in the Mayor's office and his minions were actually considering exempting cyclists from the obligation to obey stop signs and red lights at one point. As if any of them obey traffic controls as it is.

This was right before the scandal involving his taste for sex with teenagers, so it sunk out of view pretty quickly once that hit the front page.

Too bad. I was really looking forward to the increased thinning of the cyclist herd that would immediately ensue. Guess I'll have to make do with the impending carnage on the new transit mall for cheap laughs.

The funny thing about the internet is that people feel free to say things about other people that they would never say, even in the company of friends and family. It's the veil of digital anonymity; it makes people brave and foolish.

@Cabbie, for example. "Thinning of the cyclist herd" = "cyclists dying." I mean, if you put it in plain English, it sounds psychotic, right? Nobody would say that, right?

Except on the internet.

Oh, I say it right to cyclists faces on a nightly basis, Matt. I don't have much of a choice, and as it occurs so often, I must admit that I've learned to enjoy it.

Usually, after I slam on my brakes to avoid killing one of the little darlings after they happily ignore both the law and common sense, it goes something like this:


See, the vast majority of cyclists in this precious little town are so busy saving the world, that they conveniently forget about other people's feelings.

That person who mows you over, when they cannot stop in time after you blew the red light on a major street, is going to have to live with the decision you just made for the rest of their life.

@Cabbie: thanks for setting me straight. Turns out that in fact there are people who actively wish for the deaths of their fellow citizens.

With respect, if you run over a cyclist, I'm pretty sure the cyclist comes out on the worse end, your hurt feelings notwithstanding.

I recall reading somewhere that the pervert squatting in the Mayor's office and his minions were actually considering exempting cyclists from the obligation to obey stop signs and red lights at one point.

I think they were considering making a "rolling stop" legal for cyclists, but only at stop signs. Red lights would still be mandated full stops. But my recollection is that this was quite some time back, even before Sam had been elected. Maybe he continued the conversation, I don't know, but it's not like he came up with the idea.

the vast majority of cyclists in this precious little town are so busy saving the world,

Ridiculous and unsupported. If you really were a "cabbie", why wouldn't you be complaining about motorists that don't obey traffic signs and signals, that drive at excessive speed, that fail to signal turns and lane changes, that fail to yield to pedestrians at intersections, that turn into the wrong lane of multi-lane streets? These are much more prevalent, and dangerous, things that anyone can observe anywhere in town.

Hey Allan, what was in your coffee this morning - non-sequitur creamer?

Allan, the horrible motorists of Portland drive me crazy, too.

But the bicyclists are so much worse at even pretending to pay attention to the law. You know it. I know it. Jack knows it.

Everyone knows it.


Until you get your own house in order, cabbies, don't throw stones.


"Oh, I say it right to cyclists faces on a nightly basis, Matt. I don't have much of a choice, and as it occurs so often, I must admit that I've learned to enjoy it.

Usually, after I slam on my brakes to avoid killing one of the little darlings after they happily ignore both the law and common sense, it goes something like this:


Until you get your own house in order, cabbies, don't throw stones.

Can't speak for my colleagues, but my house is in perfect order. I'm held to a far higher standard than other motorists, not to mention the two-wheeled scofflaws out Saving the World.

I get even one ticket or cause an accident, and I'm out of a job in a town with some of the highest unemployment in the US. You honestly think I'm rich or stupid enough to risk that ?

You guys pretty much break every law on the books with impunity, and you know it.

Just remember, the laws of physics apply to you, even if the traffic laws do not. And the laws of physics couldn't give a rat's behind about that Goodguy Badge proudly pinned to your strident vegan chest.

as a biker, the only thing i fear more than a trimet driver is a portland cabbie. bloody maniacs.

Not long ago a good friend of mine was nailed on a bike by a lady who blew a stop sign talking on her phone. This motorist's opinions on vegetarianism or government are of zero interest to me compared to her ability to drive safely. If cabbie is scrupulous about holding up his end of the bargain as far as being an alert and safe driver, that's the most important thing.

In case this wasn't already mentioned, cars can't turn right on the transit mall either.

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