
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 22, 2009 6:01 AM. The previous post in this blog was Don't shoot me, I'm only the tow truck driver. The next post in this blog is Defiling of historic neighborhoods continues apace in Portland. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy birthday, dude

Speaking of birthdays, some friends of ours from the blogosphere are at the hospital at this hour trying to cause another one. Best wishes to them and their baby.

Comments (6)

Good old George!

I really liked the part where he said to avoid entangling alliances in order to keep us out of European wars. I am sure this cagey old general didn't mean that we should therefore jump into wars in Asia and the Middle East whenever the opportunity presented.

I guess that we are learning and will be learning that lesson the hard way.

I can report firsthand that mother and child are both resting comfortably. Dad, as expected, is a wreck. Had I thought ahead, I would have snuck a bottle of Glenlivet in for him to nurse on as he figures out just what in the hell hes gotten himself into.

Are you suggesting that the Hedgehog resembles George Washington? :)

Thanks, Jack! Swankette has blogged about the experience. I can't link to mine, but expect to be apprised of all the pre- and post-natal action quite soon.

Also born on 2/22:

Drew Barrymore
Ted Kennedy
Frederic Chopin
Julius Erving (more impressive to me than George Washington, this)
Kyle MacLachlan
Michael Chang

A nice, diverse spread.

Whoa! I hadn't even checked baseball-reference.com yet! Baby will be a Mariner fan...or a Mariner closer!

2/22 baseball birthdays:

J.J. Putz
Kazuhiro Sasaki
Don Wakamatsu
Sparky Anderson
Bill Klem (hall-of-fame umpire)

And, last but not least,


(Career .500 hitter in two games for the 1895 Cleveland Spiders!)

Your are old, and still going strong, keep it up old boy

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