
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 1, 2009 11:34 AM. The previous post in this blog was Just another bought-and-paid-for politician. The next post in this blog is OnPoint checkup shows truly grim quarter. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, February 1, 2009

Fast and furious

It is a bit of a blogging tradition to announce traffic milestones. We remember the days when we'd do this with every 10,000 unique visits to this blog. Nowadays, we get that many visits every few days, and so we save the self-congratulation for bigger numbers.

This morning we had unique visit no. 3,000,000. That's a lot of clicks.

Our last big odometer turn, at 2,000,000, came on January 18 of last year. And so it took just over a year to bring in a million unique visits -- it averages out to more than 2,638 unique visits a day. The previous million arrived over 16 months, and the first million showed up over more than four years.

Anyway, many thanks to our readers and commenters for making this such a fulfilling sideline. It was a fun year, at least for us.

Comments (10)


Congrats, you're beating the smear machine at BlueOregon.

They're very busy right now trying to figure out which of Sam Adams's lies to defend, and which not to say anything about.

They're very busy right now waiting for Mr Blue Oregon to tell their next original idea.

Now now, let's not make this post about them.

Congrats, Bog. Love the website.

Thanks for what you do, Jack.

I appreciate your honest forum, wish there were of these.

should have been More of these

Congrats Jack. Can you define "unique"? Like, not the same person twice or more in one day?

As best I can tell, a reader who arrives anywhere on bojack.org and hasn't been on bojack.org in the past two hours counts as a single unique visit, no matter how many bojack.org pages he or she views.

We're at about 6.5 million page views, and so the average unique visitor looks at 2.2 pages before leaving our domain.

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