
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 24, 2009 5:40 PM. The previous post in this blog was It's snowing. The next post in this blog is Fireman Randy's "intuition". Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Where to go

I think I'm going to go here and let the mayor of Portland know about an event I'd like him to attend -- his resignation announcement press conference.

Comments (10)

Its so pathetic. The fact that he hasnt already resigned and is still "thinking it over" shows me how piss-poor his judgment is.

I think its time to air out city hall and get the Vera Katz stink out of it once and for all.

Adams basically said "I had to lie to get elected."

Let's see. Lies and coverups to destroy a political opponent and win an election. Where have I seen that before?

Oh yeah, now I remember.

It was called Watergate.

It's a little ironic. In Brainstorm NW magazine a few months back I wrote that it was interesting that the most Nixon-Esque political figure in my recent memory was a liberal, gay man named Sam Adams.

Prophetic, Dave. What happens next -- does he resign like Nixon, or ...?

The man is one of the single greatest politicians I have ever seen, or been victim to.

Just the fact that he has anyone actually believing that he has the slightest intention of resigning -- it is pure genius.

My hat is off to Mayor Sambla.

You're right. He's going to give the majority of people the finger and keep on going.

What a time to bring on a citywide nervous breakdown.

How many scandals will it take to get rid of the entire Goldshmidt maffia?

"How many scandals will it take to get rid of the entire Goldshmidt maffia?"

depends on when the voting public in the Portland metro area, and Oregon, wise up...it's not like people haven't been warned that the G-maffia is dirty, and will lie, cheat and steal to stay in power...

it's not like people haven't been warned that the G-maffia is dirty, and will lie, cheat and steal to stay in power...

The problem is they are all in denial, or just living in Oz. They think only republicans do this sort of thing.

I so hope to see Adams led away in cuffs by the Oregon State Police soon. That would be the greatest day ever!

Only one "f" in mafia, crimefighters.

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