
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 25, 2009 8:02 PM. The previous post in this blog was Scoutmaster Sam isn't resigning. The next post in this blog is You can be sure of it. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Meanwhile, back at the morgue

I am ashamed that the only thing we Portlanders can focus on these days is that we have a mayor who's a lying sack of shinola, can't keep it in his pants, likes to get it on with teenage boys, and will do anything to keep his job because there's no other job he's suitable for.

Meanwhile, a real tragedy has occurred -- a telling example of the violence that's crept its way back into our local headlines. God rest the dead, God heal the wounded, and God help Portland. With the people we have "leading" us, this sort of thing isn't going to get better; let's hope it doesn't get too much worse.

Comments (15)

Shouldn't the Mayor be totally involved in providing whatever "City support" can be offered to the innocent victims and families who have been ravaged beyond comprehension by the actions of an insane person?
Sam's at home self absorbed in his "crisis" so no one and nothing else matters.

So you noticed that.

How come local press isn't yet reporting the shooter was an illegal alien?

Not to split hairs but, in this case, I think tragedy is much the better word for the Adams debacle:

A drama or literary work in which the main character is brought to ruin or suffers extreme sorrow, especially as a consequence of a tragic flaw, moral weakness, or inability to cope with unfavorable circumstances.

The shooting is just run-of-the-mill viciousness, that results from feral, low power people with easy access to high power weaponry.

Wow...my daughter was out that night too. Not that club thank God.

What does it matter if the person was an illegal alien, if indeed the case? This was the sort of horrific, freak occurrence that happens maybe once every decade in Portland. It's not indicative of anything we've seen.

He didn't appear to have a motive, and he was probably insane. We can grieve for these kids and their families, but it's pointless to spend time finding fault in something larger than the actual circumstances.

I disagree. There are too many teenagers running around Portland shooting guns. The city needs to do something about it. Instead, of course, our mayor has a different program for teens...

Yep, the city does need to do something about it. Huge sentences for unlawful use of a firearm.

Of course, it's always easier to blame an inanimate object instead of really getting down to what causes gun violence. Those reports and studies with all those pesky fact things don't seem to fit the 'agenda', so we'll just trust how we 'feel' about the issue.

Banning them works, prohibition is the answer. It's very very difficult to get drugs now, and an outright ban sure reduced gun violence in DC.

Me? I feel much more safe in Portland than I did 15 or 20 years ago. And if you look at gun violence statistics, I think it bears that out. This is a city, in a country that allows firearms... there will never be zero incidents.

Really, what can Sam Adams (or any other mayor) do to prevent someone from doing this? As much as I would like for him to just leave office already, this connection is a stretch.

From a comment on the Trib site:

Given the vehemence of alot of the comments here and the largely irrational, rage-filled nature of the "arguments" against Sam Adams, is it really that surprising that a (semi)local resident fired 9 rounds into an underage night club for (seemingly) no reason? Sounds like half the people posting here could be the next to do something like that. Good luck Portland.

See? It was irrational rage over Sam Adams that made some sicko shoot all those kids.

"...no other job he's suitable for." C'mon, man – that's unfair and way out of line. Sam would do a bang-up job being the towel boy at Steam Portland.

If the shooter hadn't had a gun, he would have just attacked all those people with a kitchen knife, or some tire chains.

Remember, guns don't kill people; people kill people.

What does it matter if the person was an illegal alien, if indeed the case? This was the sort of horrific, freak occurrence that happens maybe once every decade in Portland. It's not indicative of anything we've seen.

He didn't appear to have a motive, and he was probably insane. We can grieve for these kids and their families, but it's pointless to spend time finding fault in something larger than the actual circumstances.

Really, what can Sam Adams (or any other mayor) do to prevent someone from doing this?

No one said Adams could have prevented this, did they?

Other than you, that is.

Although a mayor could revoke the "don't ask - don't tell" immigration directive to the cops. Assuming that the shooter WAS an illegal, there's a chance he could have been deported before this happened.

But no, let's just wring our hands and ignore that possibility because it would require that we question our little liberal preconceptions. It's much more likely that he was "insane" - yeah, that's the ticket - insane. Pointless to consider that anything could have been done to prevent this.

Sh*t happens, man.

Good thing YOU "feel more safe", though

According to the news, the shooter had an alien registration number, so that takes out the illegal alien aspect. Sorry, but everyone with a Latino last name is not illegal. Yes, Virginia that kinda thinkin' makes you a racist.

If you really want to stop murder-suicides and shooting rampages, the solution is simple: Keep guns out of MEN's hands.

Yes there is the occasional female shooter. But go do an online search. Men like to shoot people. Random strangers, wives, children, neighbors. Whatever happened to just killing YOURSELF?

Yes, my proposal is ridiculous but a little more fact-based than cc's supposition.

CC and saxaboom,

You are racists. Let it out, grab the sheet out of the closet, and feel the freedom that comes with honesty.

Tragically the nutter just died (not sure how that happened as guns don't kill people) and won't get to spend his life in a box thinking about his actions.

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