
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 15, 2009 10:57 PM. The previous post in this blog was Quickest way to lose your job in the Legislature. The next post in this blog is Timely. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Today has been my birthday. Many great things have happened on this day over the years. One year, on Kauai, the Mrs. and I actually saw the green flash at sunset. A fantastic omen.

This year, my friends, wife, and daughters have made me a perfect day, and on top of it there is a miracle in the world -- clearly visible from where I once went to school, worked, played, and loved:

David Watta, 42, a vice president at a travel media company, was headed home to New Jersey on the Weehawken Ferry as the plane went down. His ferry immediately changed course and headed toward the crash site. Shortly after it arrived, he said, passengers from the downed flight began to come aboard the ferry.

"We were holding people, hugging them, reassuring them, holding their hands, warming them with our body heat," he said.

"We provided cell phones so they could call loved ones. A lot of them were so cold that they couldn’t dial, so we dialed for them. I would say that everyone on the ferry were heroes for the day. They were all civilians who stepped up in a time of need to help their fellow citizens."

There is nothing else a birthday celebrant could ask for.

Comments (3)

Happy Birthday, Jack. Long may you blog.
The airplane incident was perfect on its own, but it's nearly impossible not to read more into it. I took it as a reminder that we were the country that invented the Right Stuff in aviation, and maybe it's a sign that if we get back to that unique American Right Stuff, everything else that was worthwhile about the United States will eventually return.
If you're worried about the economy, you could also see it another way: It was one hell of a soft landing.

So it's a miracle. Fageddaboudit. You'll just grow old recounting. Old and wise.

Happy Birthday, Cuz.

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