
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 6, 2008 3:38 PM. The previous post in this blog was One of these days, Portland. The next post in this blog is Who's the mother?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, December 6, 2008


Portland, how did we miss out being the first with this?

Comments (5)

Come on Jack, quit giving the pinheads downtown more ideas. They come up with enough stupid ideas on their own, we don't need to 'help' them.

I read the comments under the article in the SF Gate and went through four pages before there was one commenter who liked the idea, even in goofy SF.

Heavy, slow and can't climb hills--not exactly what you'd want in Baghdad by the Bay. Or Portland.

I am sure that as soon as SF realizes this venture is a failure, Portland will come up with it as a way to save Portlandias "quality of life." Of course, Fireman Randy won't be smart enough to buy the trikes from SF, he will commission some design firm to re-invent the wheel.

I had an interesting conversation yesterday with a friends visiting daughter about the idea of being "first". She's employed by a renown Washington DC environmental consulting company that works with most national governmental "green" programs. I simply asked if Portland is considered a "green leader" inside the beltway. She hesitated, then said Portland isn't even considered as such and wouldn't even make the top-ten list. She's grew up here in Portland and didn't necessarily want to disparage Portland, but she said there is a mystical illusion about being so "green" here.

Many of her cohorts find Portland's desire to be "first", a "leader" a fabrication of Portland's own PR machine. She said she's never seen a city of any size that expends so much effort, money and time to sell so many notions about itself. Interesting.

Just Do It seems to be lost here.

"Heavy, slow and can't climb hills"

Hey that's our Max and Streetcars.

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