
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 21, 2008 9:20 AM. The previous post in this blog was All is calm, all is bright. The next post in this blog is Perfect. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Helping the helpers

The winner of our comments contest on Buck-a-Hit Day, Oregbear, has designated our $250 contribution to his favorite charity as follows:

After thinking about it a while, I really think I need to stipulate that the $250 go to Ronald McDonald House. About 18 months ago, my nephew and his wife had a newborn daughter (born in Boise) with severe heart problems. At 2 days of age, she was flown to Doernbecher Hospital and spent 1 month there, undergoing two very intense heart operations. While she was hospitalized, her parents were privileged to stay at the Ronald McDonald House (adjacent to Doernbecher) and it was a God-send!

I hope this choice meets with your approval.

Oh... the baby is 19 months old and thriving! I know that Ronald McDonald House and Doernbecher were instrumental in helping the parents survive the stress of that first month.

The check will go out as soon as the inclement weather lets up.

Comments (3)

Awesome choice. I was at a charity distribution by the Siletz tribe and the parents of a little boy who died, received a check to Ronald McDonald house in his name with a RM house representative.

The parents could sit around the kitchen and console each other and hear other terrifying stories of families' fears.

I was in tears listening about the repeated drives to the Portland area that the son wished he didn't have to make and the family needing a place to stay.

Ronald McDonald house is extremely worthy! I salute the choice.

As do it. It is an excellent choice for funds and I applaud Oregbear for making it. Not only did he/she provide an awesome comment, the charity choice provides an equally awesome sense.

Hi Jack--

First of all, I want to say thank you very much, both to you and to the generous winner of your "Buck a Hit" day contest. As Executive Director of Ronald McDonald House Charities here in Portland, I'm deeply grateful for the $250 contribution--which I believe is our very first from the "blogosphere"! I also deeply appreciate the affirming comments made by both the winner and others who added their approval. During 2008, nearly 1,600 families stayed at our two Portland Ronald McDonald Houses while their children were being treated for serious illnesses or injuries at local hospitals. The comfort, care, and support they receive is only possible because of the caring contributions of nearly 4,000 donors each year. We're honored to have received your creative contribution! I invite you to visit in the near future so you can actually experience the fruits of your generosity! Thanks again--and happy new year!

Tom Soma, Executive Director, Ronald McDonald House Charities of Oregon and Southwest Washington

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