
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 15, 2008 8:45 AM. The previous post in this blog was Everything's closed -- but why, exactly?. The next post in this blog is We're only halfway through this. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, December 15, 2008

Buck-a-Hit Day goes to 5,000 hits

Don't forget amid all the weather hubbub that this Wednesday is Buck-a-Hit Day on this blog. For every unique visitor to this site that day, a benefactor of ours has pledged to give $1 to the Oregon Food Bank -- up to $5,000! That's far more than the typical number of visitors this site receives in a day, and so we need readers to return here on Wednesday. It's the easiest way you can give a buck to charity -- just click.

In addition, I and some other readers have pledged to match up to $2,100 in contributions that visitors make when they visit here on Wednesday. We'll have a list of five Portland-area charities for you to choose from, and when you donate a dollar, we'll donate a dollar, up to $2,100.

Last but not least, $250 will go to a charity picked by the winner of the comments contest we'll be running that day. Readers will be asked to say something appropriate for the season, and the best entry, as selected by readers in a poll on Thursday, will get to steer $250 of our money to a charity of the winner's choice.

And so all told, we've got $9,450 as our goal this year -- almost double the $4,851.50 we raised last year. That would be a wonderful turn of events, but it is going to take you. And so please come back on Wednesday to make it happen, and please send other readers our way.

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