Why wait 'til the last minute?
McCain and Palin have finally released a half-fast statement about her medical history -- literally, the night before the election. Well, at least we know that her cozy doctor friend is carrying on with the "miracle delivery" story. Sorry, no actual medical records, people. And above all, no questions will be taken.
Comments (5)
3760 Piper Street? Piper has a street? And Cesar Chavez not?
Posted by Allan L. | November 3, 2008 10:49 PM
Hey, man -- it's Alaska. They're still in the 19th Century up there.
Posted by Jack Bog | November 3, 2008 10:59 PM
Sarah Palin, now known as Bible Spice, has convinced me that there is a God with a sense of humor directing this whole campaign. I mean it was comedy gold for weeks. The Katie Couric interview, Tina Fey, the 150 grand worth of clothes. There had to be a supernatural force involved. And just when the campaign ends you get the fake call from the French president by the Canadian DJs. Marvelous. The killing of animals from helicopters. Hunting with Dick Cheney. It was all there - a terrific send-off for one of the nuttiest chapters in American politics.
I'll always remember Sarah for making me a believer in a funny God over the weird jealous God of the Bible, and when the doubts return I'll chant this last exchange like a prayer into the dark night:
Radio DJs: "I must say, Governor Palin, I love the documentary they made on your life, you know, Hustler's 'Nailin Palin."'
Sarah Palin: "Oh, good. Thank you. Yes."
Go home in Peace, Sarah. Your work here is done.
Posted by Bill McDonald | November 4, 2008 12:25 AM
Following up on the recent flap regarding the $150,000 of designer clothing purchased for her by the McCain campaign -- most of which she has returned or will donate to charity -- Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin announced at 11:59 p.m. Monday that she would be doing the same with her youngest son sometime early next week.
A spokeswoman for Palin said that it was not clear whether the infant would be returned to its real mother or instead turned over to a charity. "But she's not keeping him," the aide confirmed.
The campaign also released a brief written statement by Palin that said: "This whole thing with the baby, I try to ignore it because it's so ridiculous. That child is not my property. Like the clothing, the baby is just a campaign prop. He's like the lighting and the equipment at the rallies. I only used him for seven months."
Posted by Jack Bog | November 4, 2008 12:30 AM
Fleshing out (so to speak) Gov. Failin giving good phone hoot!, here's the sterling best (I've seen) analysis, with tape and transcript, of that sucking sound you hear near the "du rouge à lèvres sur une cochonne."
The True Face of Sarah Palin -- The Prank: The "Fake Sarkozy"- Sarah Palin Telephone Conversation, by Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research, November 2, 2008

Posted by Tenskwatawa | November 4, 2008 10:16 AM