
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 7, 2008 10:57 AM. The previous post in this blog was If elections were horsehoes. The next post in this blog is Off to a great start. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, November 7, 2008

Which 'dog will hunt?

Still looking for sage advice on this weekend's pro football games. I need an underdog who can win its game outright. I'm thinking Niners over Cards; Lions over Jags; Oakland over Carolina; or Seattle over Miami. Any thoughts on those four? I can pick only one, of course.

Comments (6)

Detroit seems like the best of them. They gotta win a game at some point and a home game against the Jags (who just handed the Bengals their first win last week) seems like the opportunity.

If they can protect Culpepper long enough, he can still throw the long ball. Detroit has a couple of speedy receivers who can really stretch the field for them.

Seattle and Oakland have no chance.

Detroit has a tiny chance. Wait, scratch that. Culpepper has ONE week of practice after being idle for how long??

If you're bound and determined to look for a big number, then it's gotta be the Niners. Otherwise, I still say you're better off taking small points with Denver (oops, too late) or Buffalo...

Niners are the Geek Squad pick of the week, but it's not one I feel particularly strongly about. If your gut says anything about one of those four, go for it.

I've been channeling Obama. He says Detroit.

Who did you pick?

I had the Lions -- they were almost decent, but...

Nobody in the pool won this week. None of the big-point 'dogs came in. (No one took Denver or the Giants, who were the only 'dogs who won.) Fine with me. If every week goes that way from here on out, I get some dough out of the deal.

More lines tomorrow...

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