
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 30, 2008 9:27 PM. The previous post in this blog was Sore thumb. The next post in this blog is Boo!. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

The World According to Helen

Here's a blog that you'll want to check out. I don't know if it's authentic or not, but whoever the author is, he or she has some brilliant insights. Sort of like the I Could Kill Her babes, 40 or 50 years from now. (Via Loey.)

Comments (7)

I, like most of America it seems, discovered them yesterday. My gut says it is real. I am falling in love with those two broads.

I'm thinking Molly Ivins has come back to earth to haunt the Republicans until the election is over.

The second post on Palin is hilarious.

In the words of two wise men "go with the chicken." [not the platter of s**t with bits of broken glass in it] -- Good blog.

Jack, glad you liked this blog. It gave me a mighty chuckle or two today. Thanks for the link to my blog, and enjoy trick or treating.

Oy! Love it! And love you, Bojack!

Happy Halloween, if our paths cross while out with the kiddos tonight, I'll share my keg cup of wine with you.


What a great find. A glance through the archives makes it look like Helen is for real... a little bit of blogging a year ago to family and she's back up & running on the election.

Not so much brilliant insights. Ordinary insights, writ brilliant.

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