
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 7, 2008 4:05 PM. The previous post in this blog was Where the bailout money will go. The next post in this blog is Here y'ar, getcher 'dogs. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

State of Alaska takes another look at Palin's per diems

Folks say that the governor's travel per diems "raised eyebrows" among tax professionals in Alaska, and the state bureaucrats up there now concede that maybe they should have been included as income on her W-2 form. They're "reviewing" the situation.

No kidding. And hey, Juneau, while you're at it, how about the payments for her kids? How are they not on her W-2?

Comments (5)

Well, doggone it, they're goin' to be filin' a 1040X, ya think? You betcha.


State of Alska Finance Director Kim Garnero is earning her pay trying to cover for her boss, the Governor.

Now that she admits that Palin's tax home is governed (excuse the choice of words) by where Palin is spending the mahority of her time, Garnero struggles like a mother Kodiak bear defending her cubs in a vain attempt to avoid admitting that Palin's per diem is taxable.

If Garnero wants to claim that you go by the individual tax year and Palin's is 365 days long, because she is always on call, than you have to consider all the days Palin spent in Wasilla/Anchorage and not just the days she put in for Per Diem; the days that engaged in official activities.

Apparently, Garnero admits that Palin spent less than 50% of her time working in Juneau. else there would be no need to consider whether any location other than her duty home is Palin's tax home.

Interesting. The Olsen review occurred AFTER the returns were prepared. But how would Palin know there was a problem with the returns until she made them public? Could she have know that she was cheating?

I don't know nothin' 'bout no taxes in Alaska but in Michigan, the shoot mooses don't they.

Police Blame Mich. Townspeople for Moose's Death.

ISHPEMING, Mich. (AP) -- An adult moose was shot and killed Monday when it became agitated after curious onlookers followed it ....

''We would not have had to kill that cow moose if the public did not act like the paparazzi chasing it around like it was some type of Hollywood movie star,'' (Police Chief Jim) Bjorne told The Mining Journal of Marquette.

They probably have to file an amended Schedule D if they dress it outside its taxable home ... or something ...

McCain giving up on Michigan campaign.

Well, no wonder, go figure.

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