
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 15, 2008 10:26 AM. The previous post in this blog was May it please the Court, just the facts, ma'am. The next post in this blog is Portland Enron guy goes down. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Some advice for Cindy McCain

I know you’ve come a long way from your prescription pill addiction. I’m sure stealing drugs from poor, disfigured, third-world children who were forced to suffer through the pain of surgery because you were eating all of their pills caused irreparable damage to your self-worth. And you’ve tried to overcome those issues by dressing like a 20-year old. But know that THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE ON TO YOU! No one wants a cougar for a first lady. You are hurting your husband’s campaign. You should learn something from Laura Bush – she overcame the whole "I’m a s***ty driver and KILLED someone" thing to go on to dress appropriately. You need to check yoself before you wreck yoself. Keep the slutty outfits at the Arizona Ranch with the Maverick. No one else wants or needs to see it.
As usual, the ladies at I Could Kill Her provide hearty not-safe-for-work amusement.

Comments (13)


Never noticed Cindy McCain's dress before. Who cares anyway?

That she's a wealthy trophy wife says enough. Nothing inappropriate about her attire though. The trophy aspect exemplifies McCain's tortured sense of ambition. He now wants a realm within which to display that trophy.

Hey genop: Cindy ain't no trophy for John -- she's his meal ticket! She was a very, very rich lady before he ever met her.

John McCain . . . the John Derek of politics. Seriously, all I ever notice is Cindy McCain's strained, rigidly-smiling Barbie face floating in the background as McCain speaks. Never noticed what she's wearing; don't care.

Funny, all I see is the clothes, hair and makeup. Is there a person in there?

Jack, what is the purpose of this post? What are you trying to accomplish? Please define the message because I am dense and can't see the amusement.

My wife knows a buyer at Nordstrom. She told her that the average designer outfit (Cindy) wears costs around 5-10k.
So much for knowing what America needs. Johnny boy sure does not need to sweat his next paycheck if he does not win.

You know if you were all black this thread would be racist.
Well and if it were about Michelle O.

Just another self made successful women that some people are very frightened of.


I'm confused. Who exactly is the "self-made woman" in this story? And Ben, how does this post translate to racism? Really? I want to know!

So Cindy wears expensive outfits? She's wealthy and can spend her money how she wants. I don't care if she made it herself or inherited it. It sounds like she has been involved in some good charitable work, and has given back some of her good fortune.

She does not really know what the "average guy" needs or how he lives. No more than I know how Bill Gates lives, or how the single Mom working at McDonalds lives. We live our reality, she can live hers.

And, so what if John McCain married a pretty "trophy wife" looking woman? It seems like they have built a life together and a family.

Not sure why we are bagging on them for any of this.

Most of the time I see Cindy on the news with her husband she is trailing behind him like a lost puppy or standing behind him staring straight ahead. It must not feel very good to be ignored most of the time and it doesn't play well when seen in comparison to the Obama marital dynamic.

At the end of last night's debate, she came on to the stage at the conclusion. While the Obamas embraced and stood together, Cindy's husband didn't seem to notice her at first, then lunged toward her, gave her a quick squeeze and pinballed off to shake Michelle Obama's hand. I wasn't the only one in the room who noticed it and it made us all uncomfortable for Cindy.

In the previous debate McCain used Cindy to deflect Obama's handshake by pushing her forward to take it instead.

From what I can see of McCain's body language and lack of attention to his wife, she's not a priority.

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