
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 14, 2008 4:08 PM. The previous post in this blog was Farewell to Freightliner. The next post in this blog is Welcome to Portland.... Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Senator Smith's problem

"[I]n this particular state in this particular year, the Republican brand has gone to hell."

Comments (9)


Representative Tom Davis (R-VA-11th District): "The Republican brand is in the trash can. If we were a dog food, they would take us off the shelf."

Over the river and through the clearcut woods in the Washington State of LIARS, (whose unreported contributions' dollar-value of air-time to the diNO ROSSI campaign keeps on programming Oregonians to vote for WA Governor), the waa waa WAaahhh Republican rhetoric is spinning furiously to try to change the Party name on the ballot to 'GOP' ... so Palin can spell it.

The Republican brand has gone to hell nationwide. When your current Republican presidential candidate spends half his time disassociating himself from the current Republican president, you know your brand is in trouble.

The party is heavily fracturing between the Reaganeque neoconservatives who favor increased military spending for an aggressive foreign policy with the traditional conservatives favoring domestic deregulation and tax decreases (true small government). Both are dabbing in social regulation through governmental backed norms usually stemming from religious beliefs, but this social regulation is at odds at their core economic beliefs: the market can solve for the financial system, but can't solve for medical issues.

Politics has made strange bedfellows in the Grand Old Party; we may be seeing the coyote-ugly results of the party truly waking up to see whom they are in bed with.

I will take the WSU Cougarson the road by 17-1/2 over the Republican's.

Cougars by 17 1/2? On the road? Ouch!!!!

I don't know, WSU Football is pretty horrible this year, and they left a message on my voicemail asking ME to play under center.

I'll take them to win, but I'd take the repubs to cover on a 17 point line...

Say what you want about Senator Smith, but I honestly think he will retain his seat in the US Senate. It's very telling when NONE of the Oregon Democrat Congressional Delegation were willing to run against him.

Very interesting article on Senator Smith in today's issue of the New York Times (with color photo of Smith and Merkley):



"John Lee, the vice chairman of the Republican Party here in Clackamas County, winced more than once Thursday night while watching Senator Gordon H. Smith debate his Democratic challenger, Jeff Merkley. While Mr. Lee is no fan of Mr. Merkley, it was Mr. Smith, a Republican from rural eastern Oregon, who sometimes made his stomach turn."


Is anyone else enjoying the irony of watching Ron Wyden's commercials supporting Merkley, followed by Gordon Smith's commercials playing up his association with Wyden and including a Wyden clip?

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