
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 10, 2008 3:42 AM. The previous post in this blog was You talk about infill. The next post in this blog is Voting hanky-panky begins. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, October 10, 2008

Rumor of the Week

Word has it that the Bush boys are gearing up for martial law.

Comments (26)

Yeah, they are trying that in Iraq with great(???) success(???)

Probably not a bad idea. There's no history to suggest that Americans will behave in a crisis.

Good time to cling to guns or religion.


Martial law? Let's review: We have a president and vice president about to lose their power under our Constitution. Everything they've done involved increasing that power while the Constitution has been ignored. In addition they'd actually be in some jeopardy if they tried returning to ordinary lives. The list of their crimes is lengthy and their zombie-like supporters are dropping like the Dow Jones. Put that mix together and martial law would be the only real solution for them to keep their death grip on this country. I really hope we get out front of this and avoid that last step. Awareness of the possibility is the key.

One of the questions that will be asked later is whether or not the U.S. economy was deliberately looted these last 8 years to bring down America and replace our government with an authoritarian ruler. The most disturbing part is that the websites that predicted these moves once seemed like the fringe. Now they seem like the only ones that really got it.

In terms of this blog, you have the Butch character flaming on about how great W. and the conservative gang have been for this country while Tenskwatawa has been widely ridiculed for his outrageous charges. So tell me? Who was more on the money? Butch or Tenskwatawa? In the post below Tensk quotes from the Wayne Madsen Report - one of these sites that have been on the case while America slept. I've always taken Tenskwatawa seriously - in fact, I've even met the guy. I definitely started checking out the Wayne Madsen Report on Tensk's recommendation and went to a speech by Madsen and met him too. History is replete with examples of the general public scoffing at things until it's too late to react. I hope this economic crisis shakes people up enough to look at everything with fresh eyes. The information has been there the whole time, if we just looked.

I'll know there's still a chance to prevent all this if one day even Butch wakes up from his puppy love of all things Republican. It's time to save America from the Neo-Cons and their talking heads on right wing talk radio. The day I walk down the street and Rush Limbaugh is begging for change will be the day I believe that America is back.

The upper levels of the military need to buy off to make this happen--too bad for Bush and Co.

Worst case scenario, the Feds simply don't have enough personnel to put down a multi-city uprising. I certainly don't think they are going to use fighter jets or tanks against U.S. Civilians, and it is our reliance on integrating technology with air and sea superiority that makes the U.S. Military the most powerful in the world.

The infantry division in question is likely being trained to move into a city attacked by terrorists to restore order and smoke out any surviving bad guys.

They could provide a much more active presence than the guardsmen (who typically are just meeting humanitarian needs) and supplement local law enforcement.

There will be an election, Obama will win, and all this conspiracy thinking will be revealed for the garbage it is.

When the schub added an addendum saying he would not obey the court ruling, that he could not disobey the Posse Comitatus element of the constitution, we knew what was up his sleeve..surprizing how many didn't get it.

The Army Times article is here:


Contrary to the Eureka Times-Standard citing the original Army Times article as saying "put down civil unrest", the article actually says:

"They may be called upon to help with civil unrest and crowd control or to deal with potentially horrific scenarios such as massive poisoning and chaos in response to a chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear or high-yield explosive, or CBRNE, attack."

Also, at the bottom of the article there is this correction:

"A non-lethal crowd control package fielded to 1st Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, described in the original version of this story, is intended for use on deployments to the war zone, not in the U.S., as previously stated."

Of course one infantry division couldn't control a multi-city uprising, but it could be useful after a false flag terror operation designed to scare the voters into voting Neo-Con again.


Obsessed much?

As for how splendidly things are going right now, who is more culpable? Find me an article or video clip showing a Democrat calling for tighter regulations on Fannie and Freddie....

Good day.

Heres an idea for all the firearms phobes in Portland's "Oh, so liberal and politically correct" activist class:

"Thank goodness for the Supreme Court and the Second Amendment."

"... don't have enough personnel to put down a multi-city uprising. I certainly don't think they are going to use fighter jets or tanks against U.S. Civilians ...."

(Capital-c 'Civilians' is an odd bodkin, like they were some kind of political party or football team? ) Anyway, emphasis that Mister Tee "don't think they are going to," as said.

Nevermind what's NOT thought, eh? And just leaving the future tense to prequalified foreseers, perhaps TRY TO REMEMBER the past, when "they" -- who turned out to be fascist nihilists suffering anger-management psycho-traumas and alcoholic brain damage, hired by We, the People not doing oversight among our own "us" in the CIAcrowd -- indeed did NOT use "jets or tanks" ... it was anthrax in the U.S. Mail. And, yeah, incidentally, lowercase-c 'civilians' died. 'Lower people.' 'Beneath' Mr Tee. Peeps. Hardly a one. But it was a small incident and a confined dosage.

Hell NO the nihilists wouldn't try a frontal ground advance into the gun-nut militias in this country. Simply, safely high above, aerosol some germs in strategic center spots. Today's sexiest designer gasses even biodegrade in a day, clean up after themselves and blow away {poof} gone! Then boots on the ground only need to collect the cordwood bodies.

No "tanks" maybe, but it might be useful to have some tubs to scoop the corpses into. Especially tupperware-tight tubs, in case the contents are contaminated.

Half a Million Plastic Coffins?, Neithercorp Forum, July 21, 2008

Go ahead, click the link, it's a video for the youngsters ... who don't have a past to remember ... nor much future to foresee.

Democrat calling for tighter regulations on Fannie and Freddie....
Maybe Bill can write a joke about that.

Wait, Butch, you mean more regulation would have been a good thing? I knew you could do it.

Just think, an army battalion of high school dropout 17-yr-olds 'back from Iraq' today, to housekeep some 'civil order' in this country, were 10-yr-old illiterate 4th-graders when the first anthrax mailings were sent. But surely they have a keen historical sense of appreciation for the psychopathic human nature which emerges from time to time in such as Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler, Cheney, Dubya, Rummy, Condi, Colin, Kissinger, et al.

Video-vagued idiots and gun-nuts likely think bullets is the only lethal force, but, hey, did you know sunlight can kill? If you happen to be detained in it 30 days without eating food. For that matter, moonlight works just as well.

Can we all put away our tin-foil hats until after the election? You'd think that after 8 years, those things would be threadbare.

I think what has happened to America during the Bush years is that the erosions of our freedoms was okay to millions of people because they were doing well financially. By the way, this is not something I dreamt up. I actually would get comments on my old blog where people would list how much their house had gained in value, and how their portfolios had grown during the Bush years, so they would ask what could be wrong? In short, they had been bought off.

Maybe now it's time to use the anger at the financial mess to reexamine how things are going on the freedom exchange. That's the one where we exchanged our privacy for a vague promise of safety, where we exchanged our 3-branch government for signing statements, and where we exchanged the Rule of Law for whatever Bush and Cheney wanted to do.

One other thing: Although trillions of dollars worth of wealth has been lost this week, what we lost in freedom under the Bush administration was worth more than any dollar amount.

Let's do something about it. If America is truly free, prosperity will follow.

"Just think, an army battalion of high school dropout 17-yr-olds 'back from Iraq'..."

Tensk, you profound ignorance is showing.


You obviously know nothing about the composition of an Army combat batallion.

Pardon my absence, but I have to go to Bi Mart to stock up on ammo for the pending Armageddon. Be back soon.......

"Pardon my absence, but I have to go to Bi Mart to stock up on ammo for the pending Armageddon. Be back soon......."

Wal-Mart's cheaper ;)

The best deal is to buy bulk from the online surplus merchants. At one time, Soviet Bloc 7.62x54r could be had for 7 cents a round, delivered.

Now it goes for about 3x that much. Say, if I had bought a basement full of that, it would have appreciated in value enough to cover the medical bills incurred from hauling it up and down the stairs to sell it !

This round, BTW, which was used to kill countless fascist pigs during the Great Patriotic War, will easily defeat the body armor of your average jack-booted thug at 300 meters, from a $90 rifle.

It will go through helicopter spraying nerve agent like hot knife through butter.

Hey, I'm just sayin'...it's not like I would ever own anything like that ! Why, no one in their right mind would !


Do you think a Barrett .50 sniper rifle would make for good cave defense? Or is that a little "over kill?"

Y'all don't think the DHS would troll websites looking for people who admit to owning armor piercing ammo, do you?

Clinton goes down for a BJ...and this piece of garbage Bush goes 8 years offering fear-corruption & death ...and skates back to Crawford Texas free & clear. In comparison, the hard working joe who drives a Radio Cab gets caught by Uncle Sugar for not reporting 100% of his tips (that he lives on) but the fat cats who screwed our entire country and every citizen in it gets off without a slap on his Rolex wearing wrist. Get ready for a bigtime revolt in this country. Remember the line in the movie Network "I'm mad as hell & wont take it anymore"??????

"Do you think a Barrett .50 sniper rifle would make for good cave defense? Or is that a little "over kill?""

That's probably overkill, but when Obama moves into the White House, you'd better have already bought all the "large capacity" magazines you need for your "assault weapon" - there's no doubt in my mind that the "assault weapon" ban will be coming back.

Here's a question for you: Why is this an "assault rifle" with a 10 round clip, where this one is not. Answer: a vertical clip, rather than a flush box magazine. Same ammo. Same capacity. Same muzzle velocity and force. Vertical magazines are scary though.

What a dumb law.

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