
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 1, 2008 9:59 PM. The previous post in this blog was How Congress fixes a bad bill. The next post in this blog is Guess who needs a bailout now: WES rail line. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Key endorsement

[Via DemocraticStuff.com]

Comments (9)

One could argue that moose should be pulling for the other ticket. Unless of course Palin is also lying about her hunting prowess...

Huh? I'm willing to wager that moose do not enjoy being field-dressed; as a result, moose probably favor the candidate least likely to shoot them.

Likewise, I'd oppose any ticket with Dick Cheney because I dislike being shot. (That joke will NEVER get old).

Actually, scratch that. Palin would probably beat Bush's vacation record and spend just as much time back home in Wasilla as she did as governor. Look out moose, she's telecommutin'!

I'm no Palin fan for ideological reasons, but seriously, look at who we have in the Executive Branch, The Senate and Congress now. Look at how they have handled the financial crisis. Look at how they lie to us and use us. Look at how they use us and laugh at us.

She might be naive and inperienced, but they are EVIL. And experienced at effing us over. Willingly, happily and with their party and personal loyalties at heart and not us.

I'm so not voting. But, Satah Palin is not the reason...it is the evil idiot people who are in power. What can we do????

Has anybody actually figured out who is running Alaska?

Karl Rove.

Great bit on one of the late night talk shows: "Sarah Palin has been out of Alaska and look who's taking advantage of it over at her house."(followed by one of those wildlife videos of a moose in a swimming pool.)
Incidentally, I had 3 jokes on tonight myself which means two things: 1. I've been funny lately, and 2. Some writers are off for the holiday.

What can we do????


I'd be happy to field dressing it for 'The One' - then I'll be voting for McCain/Palin.

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