
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 30, 2008 7:46 AM. The previous post in this blog was Igniting the crowd in Alaska. The next post in this blog is Semper ad hominem. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy days are here again

I see that Fireman Randy just came back from a hotshot New York meeting with His Royal Highness The Grand High Commissioner Of "Major League Soccer." And wow, if Portland taxpayers hand Little Lord Paulson $100 million to screw around some more with PGE Park, the grand high commissioner might actually give Portland an expansion franchise in his "major league soccer" league -- arguably the third- or fourth-best soccer league in the whole wide world.

OMG, I can hardly contain my excitement.

I wonder how much the city spent sending the Fireman out of town on this vital mission. I'm sure old Merritt showed everybody a good time in the Big Apple.

Time to get out my ballot and vote "no" on some money stuff.

Comments (13)

Does everyone in Portland dislike NFL football ? If everyone who buys a NFL on Comcast (another bunch of crooks) cable package could use that money to put Football in PDX on a ballot measure then we might not have to let the City make our decision what sports we want.

After reviewing the urban renewal and police and fire pension amounts on my property tax bill I voted no on all the bonds.

I will no longer be conned that "it's for the children" when the PDC is running a little honeypot for all the chosen developers in town. They've made enough off us... and enough is enough.

Sounds like some people in PDX are getting wise to the "Three Card Monty" shtick the local politicians run through their friends in the media.


MLS isn't even the third or fourth best soccer league in this hemisphere.


Does everyone in Portland dislike NFL football ? If everyone who buys a NFL on Comcast (another bunch of crooks) cable package could use that money to put Football in PDX on a ballot measure then we might not have to let the City make our decision what sports we want.

The problem is getting a developer that doesnt want to suck from the public teat.
They all know in a market this small that there isnt enough interest to get franchises without public financing for the venue.
But they shouldnt be using public money at all. If they cant make it work on their own, then we dont need it. Lets upgrade some schools or fix some roads first.

Is the issue here the cost? Or post-Tram skepticism about our city's ability to pull this off?

Because if it's cost, then Portland is just giving up on getting major league sports. You can't seriously think major league baseball and the NFL are going to come begging to a city that winced over an $85 million package for MLS.

Portland will never have an NFL or MLB franchise. Deal with it. Were lucky to have the Blazers.

"Portland is just giving up on getting major league sports. "

Gee, I guess we'll never be as good as Milwaukee or Cincinnati or Detroit now.

Were lucky to have the Blazers

Past tense? Do you know something special? Or are you just down on the team this year?

Should have read "we're lucky to have the Blazers." No conspiracy theories here.

"Leonard says it’s in the bag if all goes well with PGE Park. “It’s clear to me that it’s ours to lose"

I just re-read that. Who the H is Randy to think he can just shove his projects thru?

He may not have heard, but there may be a budget shortfall - He can go look at BDS where they ahve 40% less work and the same number of people.

I was at BDS the other day and we were the 12th new home permit application that day , and I gotta say those staffers are REALLY nice to us now. Imagine a private biz who keeps on ALL employees when it's off 40% ....

At first I thought it was a picture of the Day Labor Center my tax dollars are paying for.

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