
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 25, 2008 12:06 PM. The previous post in this blog was Stop me if you've heard this already, cont'd. The next post in this blog is One thing about those mavericks. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Don't vote for McCain

Until after you've read this.

Comments (10)

This should be required reading and watching for all American voters.

His story reads like Bush Jr..Total Loser.
The best thing that ever happened to the old foot soldier was getting the s**t beat out of him in the cage. That experience he capitalized on all his adult life, right up until today running for President with that hillbilly idiot.
The guy is going down on this one...He ran a evil s****y campaign. And the more his Barbie wife shows up on that stage wearing her Gucci outfits, the more I cant stomach these 2 who have no clue what the REAL people have to face every day just trying to make it.

The son and grandson of two Navy Admirals was accorded special treatment by the U.S. Navy and his Vietnamese captors?

I'm shocked and dismayed.

In related news, fire is hot, coffee is black, and Barack Obama was the beneficiary of affirmative action.

Tune in tomorrow for breaking news on Senators who received mortgage discounts from Countrywide and learn how the Clintons furnished their house in Chappaqua.

Here's another one. It's shorter but will explain why our allies, who are not bowled over by McCain's war hero image, are scared.

"McCain Loses It"


McGrumpy can't even control his own VP candidate, how the hell is is gonna control a nuclear Iran?

The best thing that ever happened to the old foot soldier was getting the s**t beat out of him in the cage. That experience he capitalized on all his adult life, right up until today running for President with that hillbilly idiot.

That could be one of the most repugnant things I've ever heard.

And Jack - I'm guessing that those who are considering voting for McCain aren't going to be swayed by a Rolling Stone expose, much like those considering voting for Obama won't be taking advice from Rush Limbaugh.

Remember when everyone on the left kinda liked McCain? What happened to that charming fellow who used to show up every once and a while on The Daily Show? Back in 2000, Rolling Stone even sent David Foster Wallace to follow him around aboard the Straight Talk Express. If memory serves, there was nothing in that article about his horrible temper, terrible flying skills or reckless womanizing.

I'm guessing that those who are considering voting for McCain aren't going to be swayed by a Rolling Stone expose

You're guessing wrong.

Back in 2000, Rolling Stone even sent David Foster Wallace to follow him around aboard the Straight Talk Express. If memory serves, there was nothing in that article about his horrible temper, terrible flying skills or reckless womanizing.

partly because the writer rarely *saw* McCain--he largely sat on the bus. he's been ridiculed for it.

you know, i've always wondered something. McCain claims he "refused to be released from prison unless all his fellow soldiers were too".

how, exactly, does one "refuse" to be released from a POW camp?

The Obama folks going door-to-door have been saying that article has been one of the most effective pieces of literature for winning independent voters.

You know, the kind of voter that judges articles based on the content not the source.

And Mr. T is unintentionally hilarious. Affirmative action pushed a black man raised by a single mother into a life of public service instead of Wall Street, and to win a series of political races culminating with a landslide victory for president of the free world? You can't make this stuff up.

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