
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 23, 2008 9:57 PM. The previous post in this blog was Tri-Met operators: Shut up and drive. The next post in this blog is Bush in Obama clothing. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Another lovely "law enforcement" project

This one from the Pentagon.

Comments (4)

I dunno, sounds like a good idea. If the military makes good use of tech like this, then future kids wont have to die in wars.
I know the best approach is no wars...but lets be realistic. We are human. There will be more wars.

HAS NO ONE SEEN TERMINATOR? First it's robots. Then we decide to install "AI" to make the task easier. Then we ALL DIE!!!!

If the military makes good use of tech like this, then future kids wont have to die in wars.

Yes, but untold numbers of innocent future kids, future men/women and future old people will still be killed. Most of them just won't be Americans. Is that the legacy we want to leave?

How sad.


Exactly what I though.

You mean our kids won't have to die.

Also, I bet someone's thinking "If all countries had robots, we could fight bloodless wars." Somehow I don't believe that robots fighting it out on the battlefield is our future. Robots will only be used against humans because they are terrifying and make people "comply." That's the whole point of war: "terrify them until they comply." If a technology ceases to have a terrifying effect (such as robots that only destroy other robots) then the makers have to come up with something else to scare people.

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