Another election loose end
Lest I forget to restate this, I am not a resident of Oregon House District No. 38, but I know enough about that race to say this:

Lest I forget to restate this, I am not a resident of Oregon House District No. 38, but I know enough about that race to say this:
Comments (9)
Yep, Steve still drives that VW convertible. Everything I've heard about him, he confirmed in person. He's more concerned with doing good for Oregon than he is becoming a politician. So he's got my vote and a sign in my yard.
Posted by Mark | October 23, 2008 9:10 AM
I've heard people say very nice things about Steve, but there are two quality candidates in this race, and I've never heard a very good explanation for why Steve Griffith associates himself with the Republican Party. I've worked with Chris Garrett for years, and all I can say is that he is one of the most thoughtful, intelligent, and trusted people I know.
Posted by Tom J. | October 23, 2008 9:40 AM
I lived in OR-38 in 2002 when Macpherson ran against Zupancic. What a nasty and brutish campaign. I think I left my ballot blank on that one out of disgust. Hopefully this campaign is friendlier than that one.
Posted by Chris Snethen | October 23, 2008 9:51 AM
I have nothing against Steve (and don't live in HD-38 anyway), but does anyone else think we should just abandon all pretense and make this seat a sort of endowed chair for Stoel Rives lawyers?
Posted by Nate Currie | October 23, 2008 10:07 AM
The only problem is that no matter how he votes on other issues (schools, choice etc) he will vote for the GOP leader to be speaker of the House.Just as Dems will vote for the Dem leader
The speaker, esp under the GOP, runs the House; appointing committee chairmen and having the final say over whether legislation comes to the floor for a vote.
Indeed many of his good votes may never occur; at best he will be able to vote no on legislation Hanna tries to ram thru.Good legislation he supports will likely never see the light of day under Hanna.
A vote for a GOP candidate is ,in effect, a vote for the GOP leader to be Speaker and control the State House.
So before you vote for Griffith look at the bio of the House GOP leader Bruce Hanna and ask if you want this guy as speaker.
All we need is another Portland-hating rural OR republican running things.
Posted by Mike | October 23, 2008 12:26 PM
More on the Bruce Hanna, the man Griffth will vote to install as speaker.
House passes Access to Birth Control legislation
in the news 2007
From a statement by the House Democrats:
House Democrats today celebrated a long-fought, hard-won effort today to increase fairness in women’s health care by expanding access for Oregon women to prescription birth control and to guarantee victims of rape or incest access to emergency contraception. House Bill 2700, dubbed the “Access to Birth Control” bill, passed the Oregon House on a bipartisan vote. ...
Democrats said the bill is needed because nearly half of all health insurance plans still don’t provide cover contraceptives that are part of women’s basic health care, leaving many women to pay out of pocket for these prescriptions. More than half of the states in this country have already enacted contraceptive equity laws similar to HB 2700.
The vote was 49 to 9. Voting against:
Rep. Tom Butler, R-Ontario
Rep. John Dallum, R-The Dalles
Rep. Linda Flores, R-Clackamas
Rep. Bruce Hanna, R-Roseburg
Rep. Jerry Krummel, R-Wilsonville
Rep. Donna Nelson, R-McMinnville
Rep. Dennis Richardson, R-Central Point
Rep. Wayne Scott, R-Canby
Rep. Kim Thatcher, R-Keizer
Initial Oregonian coverage here.
Posted by mike | October 23, 2008 12:38 PM
You realize of course that by bringing more information to the table, you are (hopefully) going to cause more people to think before they vote. Shame on you! How can we knee-jerkers keep a clean conscience when we are faced with the task of making a defense for our vote?
Next thing I know, you'll be encouraging more people to vote. And then I'll lose my 1.72 votes (only 58% voted in the spring, so my vote counted "extra").
And once people are educated and accountable, maybe they'll take care of themselves and won't need gov't hand-outs, etc. Ummm. . . Hey, wait! Go, Mike go!
Posted by Mark | October 23, 2008 2:00 PM
I voted for Griffith. In fact, I voted a straight Republican Ticket, with one exception: Schrader instead of Havana Mike Abortionson.
I came very close to voting for Obama, until I realized he's going to win Oregon by a landslide with or without me: so I cast my vote with McCain to prop up his popular vote and help out his trial strategy.
Because that's how we pick our Presidents now!
Posted by Mister Tee | October 23, 2008 3:37 PM
Flipping through channels a few weeks ago, what did I come across? The public-access airing of the Willy Week's candidate interviews for District 38 -- both Steve and Chris. I came away thinking "what a lucky district, to have two thoughtful, compassionate, smart people both willing to give their time for this otherwise thankless position." Gawrsh, it was nice.
Posted by Matt | October 23, 2008 6:12 PM