
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 3, 2008 9:00 AM. The previous post in this blog was Point of no return. The next post in this blog is Et tu, Freelancer?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Worms, anyone?

Here's a whole can. Some are small, others unbelievably fat and juicy.

Comments (6)

Is there an author listed in the "Here's" link? It seems to be anonymous and spins a little bit.

Aggod deal of these worms have been coming out in the Washington Post and the Washington Independant sites as well.
Also on http://mudflats.worldpress.com blog from Alaska.
She now may well last to the election because the republicans can never admit a mistake.
IF elected we moderates and liberals have no one to blame but ourselves. Get the single wides ready to be moved to the lawns of Blair House. Those old washing machines will look great at the Naval Observatory too.

But She Increased Spending Tremendously and Supported Tax Increases.

Well hell, I dont see why the left is so upset then. They should love her.

Palin’s Management Style is to Bully and Demand Political Loyalty.

There you go, the clincher. Thats Hillary Clinton as well.

This is crazy...seems people are more afraid of Palin for VP than for Bush during the last two elections combined.
I dont understand how that is possible.

Thank you, John McCain! This may go down in history as the single worst VP pick of all time. I'm loving Obama's chances in November.

Maybe McCain will get Lieberman to help Palin. He'll be able give her the scoop on loyalty.

Palin makes 'ol Dan Quayle look pretty good! hahaha

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