What's going on with McCain's eyes?
I just noticed yesterday that something's screwed up:

The left and right eyes are different shapes and sometimes pointing in slightly different directions. Is this something new? Is he ever going to let people actually copy his medical records?
UPDATE, 12:54 a.m.: Here is yesterday's canned speech as recorded by Reuters. McCain hangs in there looking o.k. for about a minute and a half, but check out the left eye after that. At 1:35, it's really bugging him. By the end of a full debate, I'd bet it would be completely closed.
UPDATE, 1:19 a.m.: Apparently, this isn't something entirely new. People were noting an eye problem last winter and spring as well.
Comments (19)
It looks new to me. I just noticed it yesterday.
Reason for skipping Dave?
Posted by godfry | September 25, 2008 12:52 AM
I have an eye that does the same thing when I'm really worn out and exhausted (I seem to get it from my dad, who has an eye that does it too). Could be that... or could be something a little more serious. Don't know - I'm not a doc. But it is interesting to note.
Posted by Shannon | September 25, 2008 2:54 AM
I was just reading Kos: they think it's the Mark of the Beast. If he says it's our patriotic duty to get a tattoo, just say no.
Posted by Mister Tee | September 25, 2008 6:56 AM
No matter how you look at it, McCain operates in pain due his past injuries and age and (a friend speculates) the possible result of one or more small strokes, some of which he might not even have been aware of.
Some days his face is very puffy and other days it is not. My guess would be cortisone.
Another (perhaps related) aspect, about a week ago McCain hired an American Idol makeup artist who he paid $5,500+
As someone else commented, "nothing quite says 'I feel your pain' like a $5,000 make-up artist at your beck and call the same day you declare that you've stopped campaigning to show that you 'get' the economic crisis."
Puts that $400-$1,200 Edwards haircut into proper perspective . . .
Posted by NW Portlander | September 25, 2008 8:24 AM
McCain has had several melanomas removed, including a benign growth from underneath his left eye. Perhaps some damage was done during that surgery?
The truly scary thing is that melanoma can metastasize to any part of the body, including the brain.
Why can't reporters see his complete medical records? This seems important, especially with Governor Palin on the ticket.
Posted by jonjon | September 25, 2008 8:38 AM
Anyone who would mention McCain's eye problems is a terrorist enabler if not an acvtual terrorist himself.
Posted by joel dan walls | September 25, 2008 9:50 AM
Oh, c'mon Jack. Dude had surgery on his face. At any age, surgery can cut nerves and cause permanent damage. A friend of mine, aged 40, had bone cancer in her jaw, and her some nerves that control her eyelid were sliced. She's got a little gold weight in there to keep the eye lid working.
I don't like McCain at all, but his eye problems don't have anything to do with his ability to be a politician. No offense, but I might have to call this post nit-picky.
Posted by Elizabeth | September 25, 2008 10:16 AM
I'm pretty sure it's not really HIS eye...
...it's really his daughter's.
Posted by cc | September 25, 2008 11:56 AM
He can still see Russia with his good eye from Sarah Palin's house.
Posted by Jack Bog | September 25, 2008 1:46 PM
This is your candidate, on drugs.
Posted by Bark Munster | September 25, 2008 3:32 PM
McCain's definitely got an eye problem. He can't see doing the debate tomorrow night.
Posted by nuovorecord | September 25, 2008 3:54 PM
I don't think it's beyond the pale (or the pail) to wonder about McCain's health -- after all, he's running for President, or isn't he? In the absence of thorough medical information, I would think we'd have to assume the worst, especially when evaluating Palin. If she can't handle an appearance on Letterman, she's got a little training left to do. That (along with McCain's visible, unexplained symptoms) leaves me somewhat anxious.
Posted by Allan L. | September 25, 2008 7:48 PM
Arent they required to get some kind of physical exam to be president? If not, maybe there should be a requirement.
Posted by Jon | September 25, 2008 9:07 PM
Ralph Nader has a similar problem. One eye is droopy. I think it is age-related, but don't know what the problem is.
Posted by Grumpy | September 25, 2008 9:08 PM
Arent they required to get some kind of physical exam to be president?
I believe there is an explicit requirement of a pulse, but only for a president, not expressly for a candidate.
Posted by Allan L. | September 25, 2008 9:41 PM
Have you noticed that Obama ears are of different size, and that one droops more than the other. Does he have a severe ear alignment or brain droop? These kind of posts are so wasteful.
Posted by lw | September 25, 2008 10:08 PM
I don't think his ears are any indication of the state of his health. But John McCain, a melanoma patient who may or may not be in remission, is 72 years old, and if he gets elected and dies in office, the country will be run by Sarah Palin. Moreover, he won't release his medical records except in a screwball beat-the-clock no-copies format with his people looking over the reporters' shoulders. And that, my friend, is extremely relevant. Have a nice night.
Posted by Jack Bog | September 25, 2008 10:26 PM
From Mudflats today (http://mudflats.wordpress.com/):
"After the unbearably painful performance by Palin during her recent interview with Katie Couric, it's obvious to most that she is not ready for the Vice Presidential debate next week. Whether the interview is the reason, or only part of the reason that McCain has fled his own debate with Barack Obama scheduled for Friday isn't entirely clear.
"The McCain camp has requested that the Presidential debate be moved to the date of the Vice Presidential debate, conveniently delaying the Vice Presidential debate to an unknown date in the future. Presumably this will give Palin some much-needed extra time to bone up on all the things she would have learned if she had ever studied or participated in international diplomacy, and matters outside the state of Alaska.
"It's also not clear yet, whether this 'delay tactic' is going to work. Barack Obama has said that if McCain doesn't show up to the debate, he'll be there to hold a Town Hall meeting instead, leaving the Vice Presidential debate to go on as scheduled. Interesting . . .
"'Delay' is apparently the theme of the day for our Republican VP nominee. Today we hear that Palin has requested, and received a four day extension for the disclosure of her personal finances. The new release date for these forms? October 3rd, the day AFTER her scheduled debate with Joe Biden."
Posted by NW Portlander | September 25, 2008 10:40 PM
Personal attacks
I'll leave your violation of the comment policy here to the blogmeister, but in the meantime, how exactly are questions about a candidate's physical health to be taken as "personal attacks"? Especially when the candidate is unusually old, has a history of serious medical conditions and problems, and has selected a running mate whose capacity to assume the office of president is very much in doubt?
Posted by Allan L. | September 26, 2008 10:54 AM