
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 4, 2008 8:39 PM. The previous post in this blog was Major, major loss to the Oregon blogosphere. The next post in this blog is Disgrace. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, September 4, 2008

"This election is not about issues"

At least, that's what the Republican Party wants.

Comments (9)

The Republican platform is now very clear: Vote for us and we promise to end Republican rule in Washington.

Someone -- say, a popular curmudgeon blogger -- ought to point out that if you look up "Welfare State" in the encyclopedia the entry on that page is just a map of Alaska and a table showing how much money those sturdy Libertarian yeoman of the snow get from THE GOVERNMENT every year.

They are the masters of it.

I was listening to a political historian during the primaries. He pointed out then that every since presidential debates have been televised that elections have been shifting from issue driven to personality driven events.

I agree with your disdain for the fact this Presidential election has become a popularity contest, not a debate of substantive issues.

However, I would be careful when you start claiming that the Republicans are to blame for this.

It started when the mainstream media made Barack Obama into a "celebrity"; ignoring the content of his speeches in favor of his "charismatic delivery".

They have focused on his messianic ascent to the position of the Democratic nominee and refused to ask follow-up questions about how he is going to enact his "reforms" or how he will pay for them.

It should come as no surprise that the GOP has followed suit. Ever see any of those "man on the street" interviews with "undecided voters"? It's downright embarassing for the rest of us politicos.

I agree with your disgust, but the problem is with our educational system and the consumeristic tendencies of the culture.

As an unapologetic capitalist, I can't help but be a little sad that 70% of Americans can tell you who "Clay Aiken" is, but can't point to Iraq on a map.

TV is to definitely to blame, bur more importantly, we are. It's our responsibility to take control over our lives and convince our friends and neighbors why the nation's energy policy is far more important to them than who wins next year's American Idol.

Whether it was Giuliani lamenting the fact that the Democrats rarely mentioned 9/11 during their convention, or that over the top 9/11 tribute, the repubs are clearly trying yet again to scare everyone into voting for them.

McCain only sees service to one's country as military. This is evident from Palin's mocking of community organizers, the rank militarism of the McCain bio video, and the unbelievable number of times he mentioned his POW years. It's pathetic, and it inspired me to give money to a political campaign for the first time in my life. And it felt good, I just hope Obama puts it to good use; we can't afford another four years of this.

On virtually every issue, the country is not behind the Republicans. What else can they campaign on?

Well, if it is about issues, I cant wait for either campaign to start discussing them instead of stirring up crap about the other party.

we can't afford another four years of this.

Until "we the people" overthrow the stupid partisan system, we will have "this" forever.

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