
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 6, 2008 8:59 PM. The previous post in this blog was It's been a week. The next post in this blog is Into the lion's den, again. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, September 6, 2008

There go the delicates, through the final rinse

Our new clothes washer arrived yesterday. Despite some misgivings on my part, we went with a front-loading Maytag that came highly recommended by Consumer Reports. The 4 cubic foot drum is supposed to mitigate the wrinkle problems that plagued our laundry lives with our old machine, now defunct.

And now for the kickbacks. Because our new addition is an energy-efficient appliance, there is a rebate from something called the Energy Trust and a state tax credit; the two add up to more than 200 bucks. Good thing, because this puppy wasn't exactly cheap.

One serious downside that I have already experienced: The new machine has a see-through front door on it. And I've already wasted way too much time watching the clothes go 'round. It's like putting your kids on a merry-go-round; you can't turn your back and walk away from the ride. Well, sort of.

Comments (9)

It beats Channel 2.

It's kind of like Fox News covering a Republican scandal.

I have a feeling that your washing machine would have been $200 cheaper if those rebates did not exist.

See what Kremer thinks about those programs. That should burn 30+ minutes.

Fixation on washing machines is often a sign of Asperger's syndrome, a milder form of autism, according to this website:


"A typical example of a child with Asperger's syndrome would be that of a child who has some odd behaviors, poor eye contact, "sluggish" social interaction abilities, and an extreme interest in a central topic such as a washing machine. The child likes to sit and watch the washing machine door rotate, knows everything about it including its operative and professional manual and may spend hours perseverating about it. Such a child when he has a play date, may try to involve his "friend" in his most exciting interest (the washing machine) without realizing how boring it is to others and that will be the end of the play dates forever."

Furthermore, "Many people with this condition remain undiagnosed because of their ability to compensate with their memory or excellent academic abilities, yet they are considered by others to be "socially inept," "weird," "nerds," "bizarre," "eccentric," etc."

So, good luck with the new Maytag. May it provide you years of wrinkle-free clothes and perseveration.

When I was a kid, I used to love watching phonograph records spin around on the turntable.

I know none of you meant harm, but please -- let us not joke about Asperger syndrome. For those of us who are attempting to raise a child or young adult who has this diagnosis, there are many painful memories associated with remarks about fixation, loss of friends, and so on. Dealing with Asperger may seem considerably less difficult in the entire world of autistic people, but it can be tragic. I have a wonderful 22-year old son, Asperger diagnosis, who is for the first time finding the courage to attempt to live independently. It is not easy for him or for us.


As you suggested, I meant no harm. But I did offend you (and possibly others) and for that I am sorry.


Getting a diagnosis of Asperger's in midlife has given me a new freedom and answers to a lifetime of high intelligence, but frustrations with why I was different. I wonder how things would have turned out had I known what it was when I was in my twenty's. I hope the best for your family.

There go the delicates, through the final rinse

Your headline could serve just as well as a parting comment on the Republican National Convention.

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