
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 19, 2008 5:17 AM. The previous post in this blog was The vibration is great, but.... The next post in this blog is Your tax dollars at work, cont'd. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, September 19, 2008

The spirit of Portland

Yesterday we reported with derision the Portland Parks Bureau's plea for donated furniture for the new park in the SoWhat District. And we laughed at the city's call for "furniture stewards" -- citizen volunteers who would come and lock the new chairs and tables down every night.

Leave it to Portlanders to prove us wrong, though. Yesterday, several potential volunteers called on Robin Grimwade of the Parks Bureau at his office to inquire about the "steward" gig. City officials now believe that by the time the park opens, they'll have enough unpaid caretakers to cover the facility 365 days a year.

Comments (8)

You got me with that link.

I thought it was going to be an internal memo from Williams & Dame informing their employees of their "stewardship" duties ... or else.

I can just imagine how some parks officials will find the need, busy work, to then monitor the new volunteeers to make sure they are performing their duties. And they'll never attribute that time and cost to SoWa.

Do the people who run the public employees unions know about this?

This gives a whole new dimension to the term, "portable furniture."

I think we have some old lawn chairs the Mrs. wanted me to throw out. Maybe I should just leave them down at the SoWa Dog Poop Park and let nature take it's course with them.

SoWa Dog Poop Park

That's Poodle Poop if you please. There are standards to be maintained here.

Just wait until the bums move in like they have at other close-in parks. The city employees that clean up in the morning at the parks near me have been assaulted and pretty much hate the task of cleaning up after the "homeless" every morning. They tell me they love cold and rain as it keeps them out of the parks. I am amazed at the hard work and positive attitude of the parks people I have met.

Fortunately, SOWA isn't really near anything so they may avoid some of the worst offenders. It doesn't take too many confrontations or piles of human excrement to make you think twice about volunteering though.

Allan L. : Thanks for the correction - I should have realized my error in assuming they only owned ordinary dogs down there.

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