
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 11, 2008 2:04 AM. The previous post in this blog was Hummin' a song from 1962. The next post in this blog is Freedom of speech? Not in Mountain Park. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

That time again

Comments (12)

What's that? Oh yeah, 911.

It's weird there have been, like, almost no reminders of that in the last seven years.

I think Obama and McCain got the tenor right for today. I hope Palin does not use this date for her first national interview as a part of a political set piece. Is it just a coincidence?

Hard day...

Oh yeah...progressives are now under orders to make everything about Palin. Weak. This was a tough day for everyone, especially those who lost friends or family. Knock it off.

"There is no safety for honest men except by believing all possible evil of evil men." - Edmund Burke

A co-worker of mine wished me a "Merry Republican Christmas". It took me just a moment to realize what she meant.

What I remember most about 9/11 are the firefighters who died. Sure, I think of the people trapped in the buildings just doing their jobs, but how about having your job be to run into burning buildings no matter how tall they are and climb those steps with all that equipment, going towards the danger? They went anyway knowing they could die trying to help others, and they did die. Over 300 of them. For the human species that was as good as it gets. The day belongs to all of us, especially the victims and their families, but when I think about those firefighters and what they did, it seems like the day belongs a little more to them.

Thanks to those who wish to keep today about today. There's plenty of time left for "my dog's better than your dog". Today, let's just remember and never forget. OK? God bless America.

If you have a copy of Springsteen's album "The Rising," take it out and play it tonight.

If you have a copy of Springsteen's album "The Rising," take it out and play it tonight.

Had it on the ipod at work today.

I know I'll never forget that this administration ignored all signs that it was impending.

I know that I'll never forget that while those in the twin towers were dying, the US government was protecting the departure of Saudis in the country (while all other domestic and international commercial flights were grounded). Funny that it should come out afterwards that the largest number of the terrorists were Saudi nationals....Now, how did our government know that?

I know I'll never forget that the President dithered and the Vice-President hid, as the towers crumbled and New Yorkers died.

Godfry, leave the Michael Moore stuff until tomorrow, when the normal campaign renews.

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