
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 2, 2008 7:19 AM. The previous post in this blog was Putting on my American hat. The next post in this blog is SoWhat "facts" don't sound right. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Major omission

I see that the City of Portland has formed a 29-member "advisory council" on "public involvement." That's right -- a committee about committees.

It's mostly bureaucrats, but there are some civilians on board. The number of bloggers in that group? Zero. What's up with that?

Comments (6)

There is no doubt that some if not most of the genesis behind this is the desire to qwell, stifle and censor committee members from talking to reporters and bloggers about the city business they witness.
The PDC has already adopted new policies for their citizen urban renewal advisory committees, advising memebers to not talk to the press et al.

The last thing this city wants is the public, beyond their chosen drones, to be contributing anything other than their easily ignored 3 minutes of testimony.

Why not bloggers? Probably the idea that, god forbid, bloggers might post info to the public and actually inform people.

It seems that if not on the city payroll the others are on Non-Profits that are supported by coffers of city. Fair, honest, and open need not apply here.

You applying Jack?

Hmmm. This merits more thought. They need to start a Committee on Committees Subcommittee.

(Actually, I recall reading that the NCAA actually once had one of those.)

It seems that many government types distrust bloggers. Curious, that.

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