
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 25, 2008 6:12 PM. The previous post in this blog was Bailout bolloxed up, WaMu being Chased. The next post in this blog is Can the Beavers hold on?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Instant karma

A friendly reader writes:

Here's a nice story for you...

Yesterday morning, my husband and I were getting into our jeep when a
homeless man had a seizure in our front yard while gathering cans. He
fell hard, and cracked his head open. We called 911, and I stayed with
him as he seized... rolled him onto his side in case he vomited... and
held his hands so he wouldn't hurt himself. The ambulance and fire truck
came in less than 5 minutes, and took the gentleman to the hospital.

That evening, my husband picked me up at the bus stop, as I needed to go
to the store before going home. A couple of hours later, another
homeless gentleman knocked on our door and asked if I had lost my purse.
He held it up to the window, and it was indeed mine. It had fallen out
of the grocery bag beside the jeep. I was so grateful to him for
returning it to me. I gave him what money I had in my purse, along with
3 big bags of cans. I asked him if he wanted more, and he said, "No.
Just know there are honest people out there."

Humanity still exists during these tumultuous times.

Comments (2)

Thanks Jack, I needed that.

Thanks to the homeless guy, and to the reader.

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