
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 27, 2008 2:26 PM. The previous post in this blog was Have a great weekend. The next post in this blog is One of the greats. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, September 27, 2008

I close my eyes, then I drift away

Nothing like a long night's sleep to purge one's brain. Last night I dreamed I was inside some sort of military installation from which they were launching missiles. To launch the missiles, a couple of Army generals would grab onto a big lever sticking out of the floor, about five feet tall, and pull it down and back toward them with all their might. To get it to go, they had to pull so hard that they wound up on the floor. But they were pulling away.

Amidst all this, Obama walked by me, headed for a door behind which the actual launching was apparently taking place. These doors were like the doors inside submarines that you used to see in the movies. The handles were big wheels in the middle of the doors that you turned a couple of times around to open.

As he was about to go through one of these, Obama, clad as ever in his politician suit, looked back at me. Or more accurately, he looked right past me. He had a grim and determined look on his face. He was there for something, and he had gotten there a few minutes ahead of everyone else to prepare.

Then I woke up to a gorgeous day.

Comments (13)

I watched the debate last night and wrote this to my family:

When Republicans talk about small government, it's just small talk. From Reagan through the Bushies, it's always out of control spending when they got in. And George W? He blows a trillion dollars with the ease of
someone letting off a fart in the morning.

Did anyone get creeped out when McCain started listing off all the wars we've been in? Is that what we do? I mean our "defense" budget is more than the defense budgets of all other nations in the world COMBINED. And notice when McCain called for his spending freeze one of the exceptions was defense. Bases around the world. Preemptive strike doctrines. Why are we trying to be an empire? It's an old strategy that always ends poorly. It's a fossilized relic from another century - much like McCain himself.

Yes, McCain was a POW in Vietnam - that's his biggest sacrifice and it deserves respect. But let's not forget that after a couple of decades passed, everyone started admitting Vietnam was a mistake - even the people who caused it. Now we have him using victory in Iraq as one of the reasons he should be elected. Then someday years from now, everyone will agree that Iraq was a mistake, as we roll on to the next war.

Only that probably won't happen. The empire has overextended militarily for too long. We've spent too much money - not on defense - but trying to run the world. Last week our banks were borrowing 188 billion dollars a day just to keep going. That's more than the 700 billion in 4 days. As a musician I can only suggest pawning something. Maybe Hawaii?

These Republicans have been bragging about how superior they are at national security and keeping us safe from terrorism. But our national security is in danger of an economic collapse - not because of terrorists, but because of THEM.

It might be too late, but that's what we were really hearing last night from McCain:

He's a Republican who was promising to protect America from Republicans. That's not just small talk, it's crazy.

Listening to McCain, I thought he did well in the debate. The old line-up of GOP claims still sells to a lot of Americans.

It was only when I thought about what has happened to America under these clowns, that he sounded like a total lunatic.

Not to diss Jack, but I did not get his dream at all. But that is okay, since my dreams are even less understandable. Mainly animals trying to eat me, but that is cool 'cause I forget most of them before I wake up.

But Bill's comment I totally get. And it is all so true. A Republican protecting us from Republicans. That one is a good line... I fully expect to hear it from one of those late night comics soon.

I use to think that Nader was all wacko about how there isn't much diff between the parties. At least the 1-3
US Supreme Court picks would be different. But now, after the last two weeks, I would not wish the job of US President on my worst enemy.

It really is ALL about the economy, stupid. Who ever sits in the Oval Office come Jan 09 is going to preside over the Greater Depression (yes, bigger than the Great One of 1930s). In four years, the dollar will be worth about a quarter of a Pound, a third of the Euro, and half a Canadian dollar. China will have bailed out of the Dollar. Nothing else matters compared to the economy. And McCain nor Obama will be able to do much about what will happen. And the Supremes??? Who are they?? Oh, yeah... some washed up singing group.

Not a rosy future. Our best days are behind us.

And now we all know why Jack is posting at 4 a.m. instead of sleeping ...

Jack, that's a much more timely dream than the one I had last night. In it I was being chased through my neighborhood by an orange tabby cat as McMansions replaced all the houses that have been there for decades. All things considered, it's a dream that would have made a whole lot more sense in the context of 2003. Not so much nowadays.

Very plausible dream. It sounds as Obama had picked up the wrong script and found himself on a movie set. Perhaps a comedy? No Oscar yet.

Did i miss something ? You didn't comment on the debate friday nite. I guess your getting ready for the big one on thursday nite. I'll bet we'll see you blogging "during" the debate so that you don't forget a single negative slam against Sarah Palin

I'll bet we'll see you blogging "during" the debate so that you don't forget a single negative slam against Sarah Palin.

Sarah will be worse than Quayle. She will trip walking in, knock over the podium, and short out the microphones all in the first 30 seconds. Then she will open her mouth and really step in it.

She will die in the first 3 minutes, not know ing what to say, repeating talking points that refer to the previous question, not the current topic. Then they will have to call off the debate after 42 minutes because of the 3rd time she faints from fear, stage fright, inexperience and dehydration. She will keep fighting after the first to blackouts (soccer mom, baracuda, etc) but the good doctors will take her away after the 3rd.

Its a good thing that Sen Joe Lieberman is waiting in the wings.

Man, I'm glad I dream about good stuff.

Can't remember the last time I had a nightmare.

I care about politics, but not to the point it keeps me up at night.

I'm too busy booing at Springsteen's promoter.

Harry: Who ever sits in the Oval Office come Jan 09 is going to preside over the Greater Depression (yes, bigger than the Great One of 1930s)

This brings up an interesting sidetopic - what shall we call the upcoming economic "situation"? What I mean is that the term "The Great Depression" is already spoken for. But there's a precedent: what we now call "World War I", of course, used to be "The Great War" before the second one rolled along. I guess that scheme might work.

So I would like to be the first to suggest that we henceforth call the 1929-1940 situation "Depression I", and this one that's about on us "Depression II".

Back to normal programming.....

Jeeeezusss, Jack, you and your groupies are really going off the deep end. Put it in perspective, Oregon has all of seven electoral votes. McCain is going to win, and win convincingly. Why, ‘cause he is an old white man, and when it comes down to what people have confidence in it is an old white man with grey hair. Credit melt down, not really, China has our paper and we have their stuff, we are not going to trade back.
The great depression isn’t going to happen, America is going to make it through this in flying colors and in a couple of years, the green crap will be forgotten and everyone will go back to driving vehicles with a good old American V8 engines. Peak oil, forget about it. It isn’t going to happen. We will refine oil from shale and have another thousand year supply. You guys sound like buggy whip manufacturers and blacksmiths at the advent of the automobile.

I came away from the debate feeling depression and cold horror by McCain's demeanor and comments.

Did anyone else notice him referring to DAVID Eisenhower during the debate . . . or when he talked about corporations offshoring because it meant that they could create more jobs, then turned around and said that they should get breaks in the US so that they could create more jobs here? I guess the first jobs would have been created elsewhere . . .

And talking about leaving Iraq with "victory and HONOR" after all the damage we've wreaked there? And knocking Russia for the situation in Georgia as if we hadn't been 100 times the meddler and offender in Iraq? Talking about pork barrel spending and bragging about how he is a maverick when he has been - for many years - a part of the massive pork barrel machine that has become the Republican party? Threatening to veto, veto, veto any spending that comes across his desk? Who does that remind you of? Rigidly stating that we should never sit down to talk with anyone unless it is under our conditions? Bragging that he had never been known as Miss Congeniality on the floor of the Senate and apparently did not care what other nations thought of what we do? So much for consensus and statesmanship. Stating that if cuts had to be made that only the military and veterans benefits should be funded? Never suggesting that there should be any consensus but that, instead, his opponent is naive and doesn't know what he is talking about? Throwing a bone to American workers by calling them the hardest working and most innovative of any in the world but neglecting to mention that they are being short-changed and increasingly put out of work by offshoring. Neglecting to respond to any of the points made about the drawbacks of taxing health plans or putting people in a position where they have to pay for their own health care with limited assets . . . Accusing Obama of making a "last minute" turn in opposing certain spending when he chummed with the upper echelons of the Bush administration and is now treating them like they are the enemy and someone he has "fought against" for many years.

Meanwhile Sarah Palin (who he lauded as another maverick) refuses to cooperate with the hearings in Alaska and has closeted herself with Henry Kissinger, of all people, in a last minute effort to cram on foreign affairs. Yep, nothing like spurning and trash talking the Washington elite while they watch your back in Alaska and coach you (for what little good it will do).

My favorite bit of failed joking . . . when McCain talked about spending money on DNA testing of bears and tried for a laugh (that didn't come) by suggesting that it might be a paternity issue.

I don't think Obama was spectacular. He was less aggressive, more measured and restrained and occasionally flustered than I would have wished but he made an attempt to reach out to his opposition with words and body language and presented overall a more flexible and optimistic image than McCain.

I felt sorry for Lehrer; he was the only real pro there that evening and at times he (and I) were terribly frustrated.

I look forward to the Vice Presidential debate where we will, no doubt, see the junk yard dog and the Alaska wolverine engaged in mortal combat.

"Peak oil, forget about it. It isn’t going to happen. We will refine oil from shale and have another thousand year supply." Another thousand year supply? What happened to the last one? Are you talking about the last thousand year supply we pretty much used up in less then a hundred years? Maybe you should check out to see if there is an exhaust leak in your good old American V8 which has to be at least 50 years old now.

It sounds as Obama had picked up the wrong script and found himself on a movie set.

Maybe he was actually just dozing through a showing of Crimson Tide.

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