
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 2, 2008 3:15 AM. The previous post in this blog was Tearing out roads. The next post in this blog is Putting on my American hat. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

At least all the panhandlers want is spare change

A summons to jury duty in Eugene can come in a couple of forms. They may send you a letter, or they may just have a cop snag you as you walk down the street.

Comments (7)

I instructed them to ask to questions: ‘Are you a U.S. citizen?’ and ‘Are you a convicted felon?’ I told them to summon everyone who answered yes to the first question and no to the second.”

I cant wait for the backlash to that....deputies stopping people on the sidewalk and asking if they are citizens.

There would have been no need for the conscription if others had responded to their jury duty summons. Is it time to start fining those who do not respond to a jury duty summons?

It happened to me near the Lane County courthouse in 1978. The Sheriff's Deputy asked, "Are you registered to vote in Lane County." My "Yes" response rendered me "arrested" for jury duty. This occurred more than a year before I gave birth to my first child so hopefully will never be second guessed about my jury service.

Tell you what, I don't mind doing my fair share of jury duty but if I get another summons my head is going to explode. I've been summoned 5 times for jury duty and 4 of those have happened in the last 8yrs. What ever random system they use to choose names is obviously biased, know way to many people who have never been summoned for it not to be.

It would also help if the courthouses would let you know a couple days in advance if you have to show up or not. Currently you call in the night before to see if you have to report the next day. That's just not enough time to make arrangements/shift schedules and such for a day or more away from work.

In my case I fill a contract that says a body must be there every day unless calling in sick. The company doesn't have extra bodies on the payroll so that we can just shove someone into my place. Need to make arrangements in advance for someone to work overtime in that position. Calling in after 5pm the day before just doesn't work to well. Just being able to find out at 7-8am the day prior would be enough time, 2 days before would be perfect.

I'm sure I'm wrong, but isn't failure to show up an arrestable offense anyways? It's been a few years since I've been summoned so I do not remember the exact language, but I believe it was something to that effect. I hate to make the jails more over crowded, but this is a duty you have to do as an American Citizen.

Its a real shame that this judge is going to catch flak for following the law. ORS 54.040 requires the court to direct the summons of jurors if the numbers they have are insufficient ("must").

Jon: Those are the requirements for jury service. See ORS 10.030.

This is unconstitutional
taking, and unconstitutional

The accused's right to jury
does not obligate you.

If you do go, look up
jury nullification

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