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"The guy who's running against Merkley" isn't the only one taking a pass on the Republican convention.
"The guy who's running against Merkley" isn't the only one taking a pass on the Republican convention.
Comments (12)
a comment from that blog
"your party has basically destroyed everything that made this country great"
Hmm? I can't think of even one thing that has been destroyed that made this country great.
Posted by Ben | August 13, 2008 1:08 AM
Habeus Corpus
Posted by Pat Malach | August 13, 2008 7:33 AM
other things destoyed during the current Republican adminsitration:
This country's reputation around the world.
An official refusal to stoop to torture.
This should be a pretty long list, But I've got to go to work.
Posted by Pat Malach | August 13, 2008 7:56 AM
Habeus Corpus?
Good greif,, it hasn't gone anywhere. Ask any proscecutor around the country if that's true and they'll laugh.
"This country's reputation around the world"?
Oh please, that's a rediculous. Despite all the yammering from your left this country enjoys widespread favor around the globe.
The torture canard is about as silly.
With your "pretty long list" it's amazing you can't provide even one example of what is truly lost that made this country great,,, as it remains.
Posted by Ben | August 13, 2008 8:04 AM
Well, the middle class.
The real economy.
The notion of an impartial judiciary.
Trust in the electoral process.
The federal budget.
The illusion of a right to privacy.
Respect for the scientific process.
Posted by Roger | August 13, 2008 10:03 AM
The guy who's running against Merkley is on crutches, doubled over kissing his bush good-bye.
Wow. What botch-slapping hate-radio entertainment yesterday when General Wesley Clark told that guy whose lips are LIARS he is an idiot to be detested and arrested. It sounded like some goof-up had got John Stuart Mill on the air with the guy who is a hater of humankind. From Stupid to Moronic to Evil, By Paul Craig Roberts, 11-Aug-08 -- “Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.” - John Stuart Mill
(Dr. Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury in the Reagan Administration. He is a former Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal, a 16-year columnist for Business Week, and ...) ... another Republican guy who is running away from the facial tattoo of the Goons On Politics partying in the land of Lake WoeBecome, where some war crimes-despot guy is running against Al Franken.
Posted by Tenskwatawa | August 13, 2008 10:45 AM
Report of shots at Arkansas Dems headquarters ... LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) -- The chairman of the Arkansas Democratic Party was hospitalized in critical condition ... the man had come into the party's office and asked to speak ... the secretary said she wouldn't allow him ... the man went into his office and shot him .... the secretary described the man as in his 40s and white and drove off in a blue truck. ... trying to run away from the scar of being a 'Republican' in life, the heartbreak of stupidity.
Posted by Tenskwatawa | August 13, 2008 11:06 AM
Nice to assume, Tensk. But is there any proof this was politically motivated in Arkansas? Maybe the guy was fiddling the shooter's wife?
Posted by Jon | August 13, 2008 12:20 PM
Rodger & Pat...
Some people like Ben really do prefer the country this way. After all, if you don't have anything to hide, why do you need privacy? If you haven't done anything wrong, why should you fear law enforcement or the judicial? If you have a problem with all this, well, that just proves you're a criminal!
But seriously, I can't tell you how many neo-cons around me feel that the times have never been better... despite the very-slight-hardly-noticeable economic hiccup. You can't convince them till they experience oppression in some way themselves. Ironically, they'll often decry the fascist Democrats at this point.
Posted by Annie | August 13, 2008 3:26 PM
I guess it was something personal, re: the gunslinger ... I get from half-hearing some partial news blip during the aftermath. The gun-nutjobs running with LIARS ran away from the matter of news facts running against them. Instead of registering handguns, maybe the solution is registering Republicans and listing them by neighborhood on Civics Offender websites.
At least, that'd give us a way to discover who IS the guy running against Merkley ... ?
Posted by Tenskwatawa | August 13, 2008 7:47 PM
Sorry, no affense intended against 'guys.'
I meant to say, who IS the anti-American war criminasl rinning against Merkley ... ?
Posted by Tenskwatawa | August 13, 2008 7:50 PM
Lest any consider my characterization too extreme in identifying the hate-talk broadcasters as murderous malcontent sociopathic stooges running against Domestic Tranquility and American ideals, appreciate this Pop Quiz: (Without looking at the link), Who do you suppose it sounds like said this, on-air yesterday?
So these kids are presuming that what they're getting is gospel. They are presuming that they don't have an ideological kook in front of them. They presume that they have a committed educator who is presenting facts, rather than some liberal unionized hack that's presenting a pile of garbage that's being tossed out there by a failed politician.
So, these kids are going to end up -- when they realize that global warming was all a scam, and they learned it -- you know, they learned it in school, they so deeply believed -- they're gonna end up with an incredible distrust of everything. That's not all bad. Any time we can break someone's trust in a greedy, overpaid unionized schoolteacher, that's a good thing rather than a bad thing.
Nonetheless, it's going to make people question everything that they learned in the world. Talk to some of these kids about global warming, and you try to give them the other side, and they just can't -- they -- you know, they can't process it. "Well, but my teacher said." Yeah, your teacher. You know what a fruitcake your teacher is? Your teacher's been voting for one left-wing hack after another after another after another.
dee dum, dee dum, dee dum, dee dum, deet, de-dee dumm, dunt. dunt. dunt.
Posted by Tenskwatawa | August 13, 2008 8:25 PM