
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 29, 2008 7:38 AM. The previous post in this blog was Among the rattlers. The next post in this blog is McCain finds his Ferraro. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, August 29, 2008

The cops according to Fireman Randy

Interesting piece in the O about Portland commissioner Randy Leonard's draft report on the city's police bureau, which from all appearances he's about to take over.

Most striking is Leonard's conclusion that Police Bureau managers too often treat recommendations and suggestions from city staff, community members and their own officers with "defensiveness, suspicion and distrust."

"In conducting my research for this report, I was forced to draw the same conclusion when the reaction from the Police Bureau management to my inquiries and observations was defensive, and in some cases, obstructive," Leonard wrote.

The local media is doubtlessly going to roll this into the continuing soap opera of the feud between Leonard and Police Chief Rosie Sizer. But the important aspect of the story, of course, is that the Fireman's right. When criticized, the Portland police are, and always have been, extremely defensive and obstructive.

And he left out "mean."

Will the frank remarks in the draft remain in the final report? And can Leonard do anything to change these attitudes as he takes over the bureau? Only time will tell.

Comments (8)

"Police Bureau managers too often treat recommendations and suggestions from city staff, community members and their own officers with "defensiveness, suspicion and distrust."

Randy - Replace Police Bureau with Randy Leonard in the above and it's still true.

I can't understand those cops. For instance, I know the Portland Fire Department would love to see an out of touch, egotistical, not to bright ex-cop with no fire experience gain oversight of their department. Maybe they would all be assigned to walk parade routes to look for fires. Maybe within a year a prety good department would be a pretty bad department.

I know the Portland Fire Department would love to see an out of touch, egotistical, not to bright ex-cop with no fire experience gain oversight of their department.

If they survived Sten, they could have survived Potter.

Randy Leonard is likely the least qualified to research anything. His excessively impressionable and kneejerk self leaves him incappable of assessing much beyond his immediate sphere of family and friends.

Randy Leonard is likely the least qualified to research anything.

I don't think he makes a bad researcher, particularly when public safety and personnel issues are involved.

Not a bad researcher, just a bad decision-maker and ignorant of other priorities. Duct tape, spray paint, portable toilets, etc.

Commissioner Leonard has it right. And he should be the police commissioner. A labor-management partnership is long overdue at the Police Bureau. It's the round table where issues get hammered out with a set of guiding principles. Also, when Commissioner Leonard sets his mind to working out the details of better service with community folks, he'll find the right people to get the job done.

"he should be the police commissioner."

C'mon, this is the guy who was too scared to talk face-tc-face with Ms Sizer and had to sneak around her back to try and get people beneath her to turn on her. And he is going to teach us about openness and communication?

He just wants to get sycophants who will tell him what a genius he is like the rest of his staff now and Sizer won't roll over for him.

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