
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 3, 2008 7:50 AM. The previous post in this blog was Bailing out Wall Street, letting everyone else rot. The next post in this blog is The rich get richer. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Seems a little pat

The death of the government anthrax scientist who was reportedly about to be indicted for the 2001 anthrax murders is consistent with the FBI's theory of the case from practically the very beginning -- that the case was the work of a crazed loner. A problem, of course, was that they apparently had the wrong suspect for many years. Some people were skeptical of the whole loner theory six and a half years ago, and some still are today. Do you think the public will ever know the truth about who caused the attacks and why?

Comments (24)

I don't think we've even found out the real story behind the Boston Tea Party, yet.

Unfortunately ejs is right. It probably started as a drunk stevedore dropping his load and needing a cover story.

To many times investigations are reflections of our preconceived notions.
Look at how many rape convictions are being overturned in one county with the "innocence protect".

You can take almost anyone who is very intelligence (eccentric) and with simple stimulus make them act (even more) abnormal.

Unfortunately the rivalrys between agencys (CIA/FBI) do not always bring out the best.

Jack I would give it 10-20 years and we might see some truth fogged by deliberate "miss truths"

ejs and dman are right. When I read your query my response was "And would we know if we knew?" The government has become so corrupted and drunk on the notion of the "national security" that the concept justifies anything -- murder, torture/murder of prisoners, secret wars out of the White House basement, secret arrests of citizens, extraordinary rendition, kangaroo courts in Gitmo, etc.

The "intelligence" agencies are a cancer destroying their host, the former republic, which lasted from about 1776 to late 2000, when a slim majority of Supreme Commissars decided to stop any attempt to get a vote count right in order to hand the keys to the kingdom to an immature cokehead who pretends to have adopted the state religion of evangelical Christianity.

We'll never get the truth from any of those agencies about their operations because, here in post-constitutional America, we even have major newspaper publishers like Katie Graham agreeing that "there are things that the American people should not be told."

"when a slim majority of Supreme Commissars decided to stop any attempt to get a vote count"

Get over it, please. You're only ruining your own life. No one who matters cares.

This death feels like something out of the Putin regime in Russia...

Yes, John, "no one who matters cares," because in post-Constitutional America, only those who will bow to power "matter," truth be damned. You may be fine with that, that doesn't mean anyone else has to accept it.

We see the 2001 McCain clip below suggesting the source was in Iraq. When they needed a WMD, Iraq was the source. Now we learn it was a greedy vaccine patent holder. How convenient.

The smoking gun is "WHY", would a gov. scientist w/access to the
most deadly compounds in the history of mankind choose to
"O.D." on a tylenol cocktail !

Here are some interesting facts and questions.

Please Continue the thought process here. Who did the Amthrax get sent to and what White house supported bill were they opposing?

There should be a independent criminal investigation.

My researching of 9/11/01 tells me that 9/11 was an inside job. False Flag.

Congress is not doing what it needs to do.

The problem is not getting everyone to see the evidence anymore, the problem now is how do we stop all this madness.

Why tylenol? (I suppose he could have gone out with a flourish and ingested ebola) Cheaper, not as painful, finally - o.t.c. rather than under lock and key. The suicide leaves no answers. My hunch however is more than one sender.

Shut them all down.

Shrink Government bioweapons madness -- and ALL military madness -- DOWN to puny size and drown it in the Tidal Basin, (Wash,D.C.) at low tide. Conservatives agree. No military, no secret weapons, MASSIVE tax rebate to YOU.

Plus, your kids don't get dead for NO REASON.

Is another Bruce Ivins lurking in a biolab?, By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, August 3, 2008.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- There could be another Bruce Ivins lurking in a biodefense laboratory anywhere in America.

These research facilities have expanded so quickly since the anthrax attacks in 2001 that the U.S. government cannot keep close tabs on the sites or their thousands of scientists. At most labs, security procedures are designed to prevent accidents, not weed out people like Ivins who work with deadly toxins while privately battling dark psychological problems.

At private and academic labs, the policies are even more lax.

An estimated 14,000 scientists are cleared by the government to work with the most dangerous substances ....

There is little to stop one of them ....

Wrong you are. Standing right here: WE stop them.

Our police will be moving among the crowd to take the rightwing fascist sympathizers to trial for accomplice in Bush's treason against America ... same as local constabulary rounded up British-Tory sympathizers after the War of Independence.

Republicans, Bush supporters, hate-talkers -- could we see a show of hands, please.

Show's over. Turn out the lights. 60-years of post-WW II military-industrial madness was all a hoax. There was no threat, the whole time. There was no enemy. The oil's all gone. Get your mind around it. Go home. Hide in your closet away from normal, decent Americans. Else the terrification in your imagination WON.

Who killed President Kennedy?

Some things are destined never to be known. Heck, some folks believe that Americans never went to the moon.

Oh, and by the way, Tensk -

Republicans, Bush supporters, hate-talkers

I assume that you include yourself in the latter category.

You routinely refer to "LIARS" Larson, and routinely engage in what many may justifiably believe to constitute "hate talk". You seem to believe that whatever you have to say is sanctified, while those with whom you disagree should be muzzled.

How very democratic of you.

I heard you today on Kremer&BoJack, and I agreed with Rob's view that, in person, you actually sounded reasonable.

Too bad you seem unable to go with that in an online environment.

The more things change, the more they stay the same

Old HL Menken says it best

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

Interesting story on Salon about how ABC News (among others) promoted the notion that Iraq responsible for the post 9-11 Anthrax attacks. At one point, ABC claimed to have four sources saying this was true. Glen Greenwald now demands that ABC reveal these sources in the hope that it might show who was really behind the attacks.

As if "... those with whom you [I] disagree should be muzzled."

No, see, this is the exact illogic where the point is not understood. (What's it called, the 'fallacy of the middle term,' or something.)

Those who lie should be muzzled. Not allowed to speak on the topic where they lie.

It is totally NOT about whether I disagree with their point; I reject that a LIE makes ANY point -- I don't agree or disagree with the point; it IS NOT a point.

Wazoo goofball hates 'liberals' ('immigrants', 'schools') and he SAYS he does NOT hate 'liberals' ('immigrants', 'schools'). So he's lying. (Maybe I hate 'liberals' (etc.), too, but if so, I DON'T SAY I don't -- I don't deny my hate -- because that would be lying.) But with him, lying in denying his hate, he should be muzzled and not allowed to say ANYthing about 'liberals' ('immigrants', 'women').

It can be flipped around and seen in the affirmative, too. Wazoo goofball endorses and supports EVERYthing Bush does to go get WMDs. He says he does NOT support EVERYthing Bush does, so he's lying. There are NO WMDs in Iraq, and lying in denying his unconditional support, (given for no evidence), he should be muzzled and not allowed to say ANYthing Bushy because support is false reasoning, unsubstantiated.

I may support anything Bush does that he offers evidence in reason for doing. Or I may not support it. Yet it doesn't even get to whether MY position is support or not, since there is no evidence for HIS reasoning. Bush is unreasoned. I hate unreasoned action, done in my name, done with my taxes. I may talk my hate of unreasoned action by Bush.

Wazoo goofball should be muzzled from talking hate of his at everyone who requires evidence for reasoning.

I put it to Kremer to say one reasonable point to affirm supporting McCain. He replied to NOT vote for Obama because he has an 800 billion dollar proposal blahblahblah whatever he said. The point is Kremer did NOT and could NOT say one reasonable point affirming McCain. All Kremer is going to do is hate-talk Obama, so Kremer should be muzzled, gagged from speaking to ANY point re: Obama-McCain.

I'm glad you heard my voice as inoffensive. But I am asking you, as I asked Kremer, to answer this SPECIFIC point: Since the entire premise to invade Iraq was for the WMDs -- and anthrax the only example, as Powell flaunted a vial of white powder at the UN -- and now it is asserted the anthrax for Americans was of Americans and by Americans, then: What's the evidence -- there is NONE -- of a reason to be in Iraq?

Kremer went off into obfuscation about violating UN sanctions, which is specious, (because the evidence ON (his) PERMANENT RECORD is the news reports in 2001,2002, ALL about WMDs threat and NONE about UN sanctions threat), but if he wants to go there as his 'reasoning', then my follow-up was, and is, by that SAME 'reasoning' we better invade Israel which is in (at least) 66 UN violations going on more than 60 years, plus Israel DOES HAVE WMDs, and Israel IS invading sovereign nation neighbors and IS murdering hundreds of thousands of innocents -- so this is a justice call for US military invasion, right? Or is it -- yes, it is -- that Kremer is NOT 'reasoning' and instead is HATE-TALKING Iraq and unconditionally supporting EVERYthing Bush does?

Gag me with a spoon, gag Kremer (AND wazoo goofball) with microphonectomy and unemployment.

"Who killed President Kennedy? -- Some things are destined never to be known."

Maybe so, ("some things"), but JFK's assassins is not one of those things. In fact, JFK's assassins have confessed, and conspirators have been named, in the public record.

However, Max, you may set YOURself destined (worthless) to always claim YOU never allowed it "to be known" to YOU, and YOU never are going to believe ANY facts provided by people you don't like.

This has been a great day for my Bingo Card!

Wait, they announced who the assassins were? Was I late for school that day? Please do tell . . . but if you suggest they were the same group responsible for the AIDS virus and 9/11, I'm switching the channel.

The Bush/Cheney gang is so criminal and unprincipled in their approach to everything that, at this point, if they announced that the sun will rise in the East tomorrow, I would reflexively swivel my gaze to the West. With them, the question is never whether you are being lied to and played, it is just how you are being lied to and played.

Dyspeptic agrees with Jack. You can dot that Bingo square already.

Hey muzzlewatawa,

"Those who lie should be muzzled. Not allowed to speak on the topic where they lie."

No doubt you'll nominate yourself to decide who "lying" and whos's hate talking?

Boy do you ever wear the hypocrisy crown.


Even for you, that ranks as two of the most bizarre posts I believe that I've ever encountered. They are so incoherent that it's really hard to believe that you're the same induhvidual that called into Kremer and Bojack yesterday.

Maybe my problem is I think stuff can be figured out and talked over and agreed upon, and I believe in doing that -- y'know, like government and stuff.

Instead of just calling people names

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