
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 2, 2008 4:10 PM. The previous post in this blog was Portland police on Cops tonight. The next post in this blog is Bailing out Wall Street, letting everyone else rot. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, August 2, 2008

"Save money -- shop at Whole Foods"

That one's going to be a really tough sell.

Comments (9)

I wonder if this trend also effects New Seasons and Zupans.

Speaking unofficially for New Seasons, I can tell you things have been better and worse... Summertime brings slower sales so it's hard to gauge the short-term, but our stores have seen seen significant year-over-year sales gains, as far as the grocery industry goes.

Keep in mind, New Seasons is more of a hybrid of a Whole Foods-like store and a traditional supermarket (more so at the Beaverton and Happy Valley locations). At the beginning of July, we performed a price comparison between us and Safeway on 50 of the most common purchases... we came up $5 cheaper on the total bill. Obviously it won't always work out that way, but there are plenty of ways to save, especially if you avoid pre-fab meals. And the bulk aisle is where it's at...

Safeway isn't very cheap. If you want cheap groceries, I suggest WinCo.

If you didn't use the Safeway "Club Card", then you're really comparing Chinese Apple Juice concentrate to Ryan Farms fresh pressed.

I quit shopping at Safeway because of the obnoxious mark-up between the "Club Card" price and the "normal" price.

I shouldn't have to agree to let you track my purchases to get the sale price.

One way around the Safeway Club card tracking issue is to use this phone number at the checkout:


I have been using it for years.

Getting back to Whole Foods, we note that our local store is currently featuring lemons at $1.29 each.

That's one lemon. $1.29.

A price that should qualify you for lemon aid.

That price is worse than a lemon party.

No one forces anyone to shop at a particular store. In my shopping travels, I'm fortunate that I get to sample each of the stores depending on my mood or need for food.

In any given week, I sometimes find excellent deals at Whole Foods or New Seasons - stuff that is just not available anywhere else. I find the same true for Winco, Safeway, Thriftway, Zupans, and even Fred Meyer.

If you want to see truly high prices, simply take a gander at the prices at any of the local farmers markets. then again, the farmers markets too have products that aren't available anywhere else.

Each shopping venue has advantages and disadvantages. Best to know how each store operates, and how to shop smart. In the log run, sticking to only one venue will NOT be the most economical choice.

Yes, I am a supporter of healthy eating (unhealthy, too) and have read Michael Pollen and other foodie books.

I am thankful for the choices available in the Portland Metro area.

"Whole Paycheck"? No way!


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