
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 13, 2008 9:38 PM. The previous post in this blog was Chávez Boulevard: Grand, 39th, or Broadway?. The next post in this blog is Ultimate Usual Suspect joins PDC board. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Pinkies up in the new downtown park

Out of town for a late-summer vacation? Distracted by the heat? Bored between local elections? Ah, it's the perfect time for the City of Portland to sell off or give away parts of its park system. Grimwad the Destroyer has spoken: The new park block in Moyerville, covering the highly lucrative parking garage which was what it was all about in the first place, will be not a Burgerville, not Elephant's Deli, but rather an outpost of Roux. Of course -- the toniest of the three options. Real people need not attend.

Meanwhile, over at Waterfront Park, what seemed like a continuing discussion just two days ago is now a done deal. Not unexpectedly, the bike repair shop and restaurant option won out over the "tribute to cities" museum, which sounded dreadfully dull. Hippie burritos, dreads, and bike helmets seem a lot more like Portlandia.

If it all sounds a little commercialized, hold onto your seats, Portland. You ain't seen nothing yet.

Comments (4)

The Roux has a great happy hour at their N Killingsworth location--the normal menu is fairly expensive, but it's good creole food. I'm sorry but Burgerville sucks---I've only eaten there because it's a local chain, but their burgers and service are usually worse than Burger King or Wendy's.

I'm sorry but Burgerville sucks---I've only eaten there because it's a local chain, but their burgers and service are usually worse than Burger King or Wendy's.

Wow...never heard that before. I dont think Burgerville is the BEST, but I have always thought they are much, much better than any of the national chains. Personally, I prefer Roake's or Lew's out in the Milwaukie area for burgers. But Burgerville is always good, and I have never had bad service at any of their locations...ever.

I don't care who it is, I don't think it's appropriate to wheel and deal with corporate outlets in public parks lands. It's not like there is any shortage of nearby private land, on which to locate private, profit-making ventures near the park. It need not waste public space to line the pockets of some vendor who happens to be related to, or is sleeping with, one of the excessively numerous Parks administrators.

And why in hell isn't that clown gone from the Parks Bureau...along with Barely Sanitary, who is still the director?

How many warnings is enough? What does it take to purge ourselves of these malevolent parasites?

Getting rid of Danny the Salt Man might do it, but I suspect this crowd has the ability to float free of a resource-depleted host and attach themselves to falsely impressed public servant types.

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