
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 1, 2008 9:13 AM. The previous post in this blog was As if anyone's going to read it. The next post in this blog is Doubly cool: solar panels powering a microbrewery. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, August 1, 2008

No, you are not limited to just one card

Bojack comment bingo allows multiple plays.

Comments (6)

Steve Schopp IS an alias :-)

How bout the "It's Bush's Fault?"

It's just friggin' hilarious, Jack. It's genius.

Other blogs are gonna start copying this, I betcha.

Let see, how can I help the team as much as possible?
Just commenting should get something from Butch.
Did I mention I write for 140 radio stations? There's another square.
That's 2.
Bush and Cheney really suck - check out Seymour Hersh's latest revelations about the Cheney plan to dress Navy Seals up as Iranians to trigger a war.
If that still didn't work: Okay, the anthrax "suicide" was just like the DC Madam "suicide" - kill them before they get to trial and talk, especially about 9/11.
That should wake up the rest of the right wingers.
Okay, let's see....Free Space...How about the free space I gave you, Jack, on my computer when your server crashed? Does that count for anything?
How many of these other clowns turned over their computer passwords so you could keep posting? I'm going to count that as Free Space. Maybe that square could represent the parts abut gratitude in the Tax Code.

Let's see...that's about it.

Oh yeah...the joke:

The air in China is so bad one of the new Olympic events is breathing.

Now altogether: BINGO!

oh my....

what's the prize??

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