
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 16, 2008 4:57 AM. The previous post in this blog was The Fifth Estate. The next post in this blog is Hunters for Obama. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

See how they run

It's almost as though America is holding an ugly contest, and people are jumping up to compete.

Comments (19)

People from an un-PC time or un-PC places trying ever so desperately to undertstand the new rules of discourse. And failing publicly.

It's offensive, but also hilarious to watch these people reveal how they think.
Geraldine Ferraro still takes the cake for digging the hole deeper and deeper while supposedly vindicating herself.

We are not very nice people, and not very civil (or civilized) at all.

Some of our fellow citizens are not ready for a post-racial America. Very sad.

Some of our fellow citizens are not ready for a post-racial America. Very sad.

Unfortunately, that includes some who claim to be victims of racism as well.

There never will be a post-racial America. Not as long people such as Jesse Jackson are still out there keeping racism alive.

A commentator puts his foot in his mouth and a bunch of white people try to impress themselves about how PC they are.

The prospect of a man of color becoming president has laid bare the racism in this country...racism long hidden under the veil of political correctness.

Mr. Sharpton and Mr. Jackson are also responsible for:

the South Waterfront debacle
Anna Nicole Smith and Heath Ledger's mysteriously deaths
Mark Lindsay's cafe and Peanut Butter & Ellie's closing.

I am so glad that their nefarious ways have come to light. No one would be racist if not for them. They make reasonable fair-minded people "turn racist".


I should be more specific...the prospect of a man of color becoming president has laid bare the racism of so-called "liberal" and "progressive" people, particularly those living on the coasts.

PDX Renter: Blah blah blah blah

another travesty that Jesse Jackson is probably responsible for:


jon@10:23 gets it right. As long as race pimps Jackson and Sharpton continue to fuel manufactured racism fires, the flames will burn on.

See: http://www.mediabistro.com/tvnewser/fnc/breaking_what_else_jesse_jackson_said_on_that_fnc_tape_89392.asp

You know who don't matter any more? Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

I would like to hope you're right, Jack.

I hope you're right too, but the mainstream media still treats them like viable and respectable representatives of those groups they claim to represent. Until their comments get no attention the same way as the lunatic neo-nazi or dog worshipper down the street, they'll still be encouraged to promote themselves.

Blah blah blah blah

What are you trying to say Deeds I CAN'T HEAR YOU

Are you trying to say my statement isn't true?


That I don't have anything relavant to say?

Man UP Homunculus

PDX Renter: "I should be more specific...the prospect of a man of color becoming president has laid bare the racism of so-called "liberal" and "progressive" people, particularly those living on the coasts."

This is psycho-babble. That's what I'm saying.

As somebody who actually watches the show (and the one in question), the context made abundantly clear that John was not characterizing Obama as such, or even expressing an opinion. He was asking if the Jesse Jackson controversey was rooted in that "Oreo" stereotype. The subsequent conversation was excellent, reinforcing McLaughlin's remarkable ability to cut to the chase of an issue on a 30-minute show. It seems like quite a stretch to put this in the "controversy" category, and much easier to put it in the "overzealous media" category.

You know who don't matter any more? Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

The only people who pay attention to anything those two guys say are the very people who can't stand them. Everyone else has moved on.

Deeds if you cannot concede there are closet racists in this country that self-identify as "liberals" and "progressives" and that the prospect of a black president has brought this ugly part of their being to the fore then you have your head up your a**


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