
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 3, 2008 7:06 PM. The previous post in this blog was Have a great holiday weekend. The next post in this blog is Unfortunate Headline of the Week. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

E-mail, Feeds, 'n' Stuff

Thursday, July 3, 2008

No Winthrop vs. Canisius for me

Here's a depressing e-mail I received today:

Hello, this is Ticketmaster Customer Service with an important alert regarding your application for tickets to the NCAA Men's Championship Basketball 2009 1st and 2nd Rounds hosted by University of Oregon at Rose Garden for March 19 - March 21, 2009. Unfortunately, your application was not selected by the NCAA to receive tickets.

Your credit card will automatically be credited the full amount that you were charged and should post to your account within 7 to 10 business days.

If you have any questions, please contact us online at:


Thank you for using Ticketmaster. We appreciate your business!

Gee, I "applied" at the very first opportunity, but I guess I'm just not good enough. I remember how excited I was when the city got this event. Now? Not so much so.

Well, at least there's one silver lining: Ticketmaster got to play with my $350 from April 15 to July 3. That's gotta make you feel good.

Comments (8)

Well, not to get all schadenfreude, but I guess I actually 'won' as my application was 'selected'. But I went through the Rose Garden/Rose Quarter, not Ticketmaster.

When I got my acceptance email, I had a good chuckle. Sure, I was selected. It isn't at all that you didn't want to give me my money back. I feel so privileged. But hey, I guess not everyone who ponied up got tickets after all.

It could also be that I ordered six tickets, and so they may not wish to give up the big orders. I'm sure all the scalping co's also got pkgs of six.

Winthrop would NEVER play Canisius, unless they both were upset winners in the first round and there were a bizarre 12-13 matchup in the second.

Can I mark that down as a prediction? Winthrop and Canisius each winning first round games next year?

I like the part about them playing around with your money made me laugh. I had a similar incident with trying to get world series tickets in St. Louis but I didn't even get to the point of them taking my money. I feel your pain.

Time Value of Money; sigh, not on the side consumer.

Blazers season ticket holders with right of first refusal on their seats were allowed to purchase up to six packages before the tickets went on public sale.

They can all kiss me you-know-where.

Do you actually have your money back yet? If not, you may not get it until 2009. It took them until February to give me back my money for a show canceled in July...

Having attended a few of these regional affairs over the years I can tell you that if you want to go you probably will be able to for face value or less. The schools that will be playing get a certain allocation of tickets and the farther away they are the more likely those tickets won't be bought or will be carried out here by the fans that do attend for scalping purposes. Also, if you happen to know folks that live around any of the further away schools have them look into picking up tix from the college for you. Depending on the interest level and distance of the school you may be able to buy their tickets online. Then, after the first set of games the visiting fans of the teams that lose can't sell their tickets fast enough. If you manage to get inside for the first set of games you can strike some really good deals(up to give aways) with disgusted fans of the losers. Just make a bee line for that fan with the Alabama sweatshirt after Gonzaga hangs a 15 point loss on them in game one.

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