
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 6, 2008 7:24 PM. The previous post in this blog was Another reader pole question. The next post in this blog is What a tale your thoughts could tell. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Can I get a pass because it's summer?

The purists will kill me, but I just splashed some Hansen's club soda over some Glenlivet scotch.

It's good.

Comments (12)

As long as it isn't Laphraoig or Macallan 25 year old, it's OK.

Um, exactly how much of a splash? A wee splash of water opens up the flavor in the scotch. So I imagine the same thing happens with club soda.

As long as it wasn't ginger ale!

How about Coke?

No, not OK. If a "mixer" is necessary, then just let it sit on the rocks for a few minutes.

No, the fizz really adds something.

Coke and scotch? Jack, you are one sick puppy....;-)

You commenters have it all wrong. The Glenlivet opens up the flavors of the club soda.

heavens to betsy, you desecrate. Pour a glass of your Glenlivet. Take a swig of club soda. Swallow club soda, blow across the Glenlivet. Drink the Glenlivet. That's as close to a mixer as that stuff should ever get.

If you're going to add soda you should drink Lauders, or Old Smuggler.

It's only wrong when you don't invite us over for a tumbler or two.

mrfearless is right, Glenlivet ain't exactly a 25 year single malt. A nice whiskey-soda with it is just fine and dandy, ya haters.

You could probably save the coke for the jim beam, and that works too.

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