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This guy is a Republican?
In our inbox we find this:
Joel Haugen, Republican opponent of David Wu in Oregon's 1st District congressional district, is scheduled to participate in Hillsboro's July 4th Parade, which is scheduled for July 4, 2008 at 10 AM and organized by the Hillsboro Rotary Club. Joel will make his way along the parade route on-board "The Haugenator," a self-made contraption that grew out of his commitment to clean energy, and to eliminating our dependence on fossil fuels by the year 2019.To the right of Haugen in the photo is Bob Prohaska, described by the campaign as "the man who's been helping with a lot of the building."Construction of The Haugenator began with an electric bicycle that Haugen found at a local yard sale. The unit has room for three total passengers, as it also consists of two additional pedal-powered bikes connected to the electric bike in a triangular formation. A tall column at the center carries a 1 foot-square photo-voltaic cell, which provides 12 volts to recharge the electric bike's battery. Haugen has designed and assembled The Haugenator himself with the help of friends, campaign staff, and volunteers.
Joel Haugen believes that the number one issue America must confront is the need to immediately commit the nation to sweeping energy reform. He advocates incorporating a blend of alternative energy sources, focusing on Hydrogen and electricity to power our cars, and also utilizing wind, solar and geothermal energy, as well as new technologies.
Comments (10)
Wow. A bike like that belongs on Southeast Belmont St.
Posted by Gil Johnson | June 26, 2008 8:24 PM
Why isn't he wearing an aluminum foil helmet?
WTF...just askin'
Posted by veiledorchid | June 26, 2008 9:09 PM
This guy is a Republican?
Now that you mention it, no.
Posted by Ken | June 26, 2008 9:40 PM
One thing is for sure.
Wu is quite impressive.
Posted by Howard | June 26, 2008 10:05 PM
He's wearing the aluminum foil hat because, obviously, this guy is a credible congressional candidate. Feh! It reminds me of Dukakis in the tank.
I'll bet a dollar this guy doesn't even crack 25% of the general vote in November.
Posted by Moses Ross | June 27, 2008 8:23 AM
Republicans can be environmentalists too. In fact, it sure would be nice if we had more of them.
Posted by Aaron | June 27, 2008 9:55 AM
David Wu... The man who supported even through conviction Andy Weiderhorn, who's Wilshire Financial was Portland's own version of Ken Lay and Enron.
This guy's a Democrat?
Funny how you can slap a label or affiliation or endorsement on someone and people just suspend themselves of thinking.
Elephant s*** and Donkey s*** all smells bad to me.
Posted by Ted | June 27, 2008 6:20 PM
I haven't seen a true Conservative (as in "Conservation") Republican for a long, long time. Mr. Haugen is a Teddy Roosevelt "Conservative" Republican...I'll bet my good friend Moses that Mr. Haugen will, at the very least, come close to vanquishing the DLC Democrat Wu, if not sending him into retirement, or at least to a new job with the "K" Street Lobbying crowd...I'm fed up with "Democrats" who cave in to the Credit Card and Pharmaceutical Industries. I will most likely assist Mr. Haugen in his quest. After all, I like fresh air too!
Steiny, Beaverton
Posted by Robert A. Steinegger | July 7, 2008 12:19 AM
Mr. Haugen,
has publicly stated that he supports Obama for president. As a result, Republicans from Congressional District 1 will not vote for him in the fall. In addition, he will be hard pressed to raise any funds from the Republican base. He considers himself a Teddy Roosevelt style Progressive Republican. What he doesnt realize is that TR was not a party jumper. TR was not a tax and spend liberal Democratic Socialist either. By supporting Obama, Haugen is a defacto Democrat, and hence supports the DNC party line........He does not deserve the Republican vote.
Posted by Stephan Andrew Brodhead | July 14, 2008 8:49 PM
Posted by Stephan Andrew Brodhead | July 14, 2008 9:11 PM