
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 17, 2008 11:50 AM. The previous post in this blog was Yay! We won! (What?). The next post in this blog is When a city spends itself into the tank. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Sponsored by a generous grant from Smith & Wesson

I see that the City of Portland has its legions of planners (mostly they plan Homer Williams's retirement fund) "studying" livability issues around the east side MAX line. It was quite the snooze of a story until we hit this part:

Jack Vahey of the Powellhurst-Gilbert Neighborhood Association said he’s glad that his neighborhood isn’t located on a MAX light-rail line because "it’s a waste of money."

He said he was also concerned about safety.

"We’re glad we don’t have it because it’s not safe," he said.

Blasphemy! But true, of course.

Comments (6)

I have already started to shop for a car, my wife is no longer riding MAX because of this latest in the long string of violence on TriMet.

The jerks at TriMet never seem to fix the fare machines at the 122nd Ave. MAX Station. Why even bother having machines if you can't maintain them?

Ah yes...the little noisy "livability birds", sitting on the fence chirping away and doing nothing!

The jerks at TriMet never seem to fix the fare machines at the 122nd Ave. MAX Station. Why even bother having machines if you can't maintain them?

Most of the westside ones dont work either. (Sunset TC, Beaverton TC, etc)

If we're having global warming, it's because Portland is having a meltdown, plus several other cities.

I ride the Yellow Line MAX every single day and besides the occasional annoying drunk or rowdy teenager, I'm failing to see this wave of crime on the Interstate line...Is it only on the Red and Blue lines?

I've seen maybe a couple fights on the MAX, but I've seen much more violence in NoPo neighborhoods away from the MAX. There are always going to be loud-mouthed teenagers riding public transit, it's true even in the small towns I grew up in.

Of course the average Portland baby boomer probably sees any minority youth to be a 'thug' and a potential threat to their safety.

But, have fun driving with the price of gasoline up to $5.00 a gallon in a year.

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