
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 8, 2008 7:28 PM. The previous post in this blog was Putting the Portland City Council on YouTube. The next post in this blog is Consider your options. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, June 8, 2008

Off the road

We are unpacking from a nice weekend away, in not one but two locations. It's always fun to see if readers can figure out where we've been.

Let's start with our first stop. Here's your clue: The water was fast, but the guests were faster.

UPDATE, 9:13 p.m.: At times, I felt as though I was in "Graceland."

UPDATE, 10:20 p.m.: A single road divides the law from the shrine.

UPDATE, 11:00 p.m.: They came from all over for the Pre-Function.

Comments (11)



Err, I missed the update. The 'guests', which they probably wouldn't be called, would not be going faster.

No idea!

Memphis? Has to be wrong (too obvious), but the police station (the law) is across E. Raines Rd. from Graceland (the shrine).

Too much thinky time makes my head hurt.

Nice try, but incorrect.

Eugene. Check out the Pre track meet?

In Bruges?

Like, totally Eugene. Can I guess the other one before you give a clue?

Eugene is correct. The water was in the Willamette River, which was as high as I've ever seen it down there. The guests were there to compete in the Prefontaine Classic track meet. Many were from Africa. I clearly had the highest body fat percentage of anyone staying in the hotel.

We'll do the second locale in a separate post, but guess away if you like.

Second location guess:


Okay, I admit a clue would probably help.

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