
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 21, 2008 6:57 AM. The previous post in this blog was How to blow a nice lead. The next post in this blog is Solstice. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Mark your calendar for ugly

Get ready for another Obama renunciation. Al Sharpton may get indicted by the feds between now and November. If it happens, you'll be seeing plenty of these photos.

Comments (22)

If Obama gets a pass from the public from his close associations with the likes of sleazeball Tony Rezko and a terrorist like Ayers, you really think his association with Sharpton is gonna hurt him?

Speaking of Rezko, this may be from a right-leaning site, but it makes for an interesting read:


Butch...go back in your cave!

I will if Obama's elected. Beats moving to Canada and being subjected to their universal health care system....

Sharpton said Thursday he hired Carter - a respected ex-prosecutor - to represent him and his National Action Network because he thinks the probe has become politicized.

What? Sharpton is the biggest media whore in the country..(well, maybe not as much as Britney Spears), but he's worried about this becoming "politicized"? Good grief. If there was something to help him, he would be in front of cameras in a second.
But dont worry. As soon as their are charges, be ready for the "racist" propaganda from Sharpton. He's the best at that.

Obama should have distanced himself from the likes of this guy at the beginning of his campaign.

Better hope there is room in his cave, after Obama gets done taxing us - caves will be at a premium, until he figures a way to tax those too.

Spread the wealth, 90% tax on the rich man, like in days of yore. Too many millionaires and too many poor folk.

Oh man, I can't wait for Obama to be president! This right wing panic and howling is music to my ears. I hope Sharpton is made AG. Or Obama invades a country. Anything. This is going to be so great.

The 6:00AM subpoena had better excite one to lawyer up. We've seen Obama ride through guilt by association. With regard to a tarring from Sharptons shenanigans. No chance, unless he had some involvement. Fortunately he attended the Wright church. (Sorry-the phrase just burst forth-for some reason)
The scarlet T makes it's predictable return. Kiss comes through with a solution that's a bit extreme. Obama says close unproductive tax loopholes. The wealthiest 1% will be required to approximate the same sacrifice we all do annually. Thats all. Wealth shifting not to unbalance the field but to level it.

Obama gets done taxing us

I would bet that the income level that winds up paying noticeably more under Obama starts at $100,000 -- maybe even $150,000.

If you're over $250,000, however, better put your helmet on. As it should be. We're at WAR on TERR, you know; we've got to make sacrifices to help Iraq become a beacon of democracy.

BTW if you're really interested in the tax plans of Obama and McCain, you can go here for a comparison.

Al Sharpton and Willie Randolph were high school classmates.
And there are people out here who really don't believe in conspiracies.
Remember, a tin foil hat can always be used to hold the chuck wagon grub at the round up.

Unless somehow Obama can be linked in some way to any unbecoming financial stuff with Sharpton, I think it's really hard to imagine this hurting him. Of course the knuckle-draggers will be apoplectic... and this will be the source of a billion chain emails amongst righties. Nothing new there, move along.

Spread the wealth


No better reason to live in mediocrity. Why should I bust my ass for the government to take my earnings away? I might as well quit my engineering job and work at Walmart. Then Uncle Sam can give to me too, right?

I've not seen a whole lot of evidence indicating that those 90 percent tax brackets from the '50s caused any kind of industrial or work-ethic meltdown. Can someone please point me to where the sky actually fell?

When the president of GM quit, he didn't go work at Wal-Mart. He became Secretary of Defense.

I might as well quit my engineering job and work at Walmart.

That line of thought always cracks me up. It's right up there with the folks who have "had it up to here with Portland" and are moving to Vancouver. Neither group exists.

Fine, higher taxes for those making millions a year. But $100k-$200k? Thats not rich. Not any more. Thats a whole lot of small business owners.

""had it up to here with Portland" and are moving to Vancouver. Neither group exists."

Disagree - I have 3 clients who have specifically asked not to buy commercial property in Oregon. Not quite the same, but they do exist.

""had it up to here with Portland" and are moving to Vancouver. Neither group exists."

If that is the case, then why is the fastest growing county in the PDX metro area CLARK county? Ever bothered to look at the statistics of where the majority of new Clark County residents are coming from?

Yep, it's from Mult, Wash and Clack counties.

Snethen, you crack me up. I've had four clients move to WA in the last two years with their businesses (one a $100M business) and their families. I know, a few cases don't prove a thing.

Problem is, if where your business is conducted is primarily in Mult Co, even if you live in Clark Co, you're screwed as a small business proprietor. I know these tax codes backwards and forwards...I've run the numbers. One year, I was out of town a great deal due to deaths and marriages in the family, and only netted a little more than 8 thousand dollars...I wound up owing about a grand on that. Had I worked really hard and netted 35-40K or so, my tax rate would have been over 40 percent.

Of my net.

Of course, I've been working the bare minimum it takes to survive for years now...there is simply no incentive whatsoever to work harder as the proprietor of a small business here in Portland, and there will be even less when you good people elect this charismatic Marxist bigot.

Hey, I rent my shabby, crumbling old house, drive a 20 year old truck, get my clothing from Value Village, and buy discount meat that is turning gray-green.

Books are cheap...life is OK. I'll never own a home or be able to afford children or anything like that...but life is OK.

Cabbbie, you don't get it. The libs would like ALL of us to live like you. So, in their view, you are already at the top of the heap (exclusions made for those in power).

You're wrong Chris, my brother & his partners moved their software business out of PDX to Vancouver specifically because of the City of Portland's hositility to business.

I have of three friends that have moved to Washington in the last 24 months due to Oregon taxes. I recently retired, as soon as my wife retires we are moving also.

Maybe all the revenue generated by Potter's shiney new illegal hiring center will make up the difference.

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