
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 13, 2008 8:20 PM. The previous post in this blog was Have a great weekend. The next post in this blog is Come on and take a free ride. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, June 13, 2008

Another loss

It's a day of bad news, I guess. Our deepest condolences to our friends at the Alexis Restaurant.

Comments (6)

I have a son who is 26. The first restaurant he visited was Alexis. He was a few weeks old and my wife, my newborn son and my in-laws were treated like royalty by the family at Alexis. So terribly sorry to read this...

Family is the most important thing in that place. Which is what makes this particularly hard, I'm sure.

That place and the people are the best. I was so sorry to read of their tragic loss. From thie cozy place down stairs to the party room upstairs I have never had a bad time there, their food and service and accommodation, and running the successful business in Old Town make them true treasures to our community.

Worked in the Alexis neighborhood for over a decade, and it was THE place for lunch or early dinner. And the comments are all spot on: it was the wonderful family that made that place so warm and spectacular. Very sorry to hear about this.

Best spanikopita ever. And the homemade bread. Yum!

I went to Alexis the other night and had another fantastic meal... Lamb and calamari hit the spot.

They've become a local institution, both as a restaurant and as a purveyor of foods for other businesses. Sad to hear of their loss...

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