
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 26, 2008 3:58 AM. The previous post in this blog was It depends on what the meaning of the word "first" is. The next post in this blog is Hold one of these next to your brain for a couple of hours. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, June 26, 2008

A rainbow of reasons

So many to choose from.

Comments (10)

I'm voting Republican because I want the caribou to have move opportunities for coffee klatches

I'm voting Republican because...given the alternative, I have no damn choice...

I'm voting Republican because "hope" is not a prescription or platform to run a country on.

Butch, it's not like Barack Obama has a web site on which you can look up his proposed policies.

I'm voting Republican because...Murtha,Pelosi,and Ted Kennedy.

I am voting Republican (Smitty) because Elizabeth Furse told me to, and I am an obedient moderate Democrat.


When his 'policies' change more frequently than it rains in Portland, does he really have any?

Hilarious. I'm voting Republican because I like knowing that bin Laden is alive and well.

it's not like Barack Obama has a web site on which you can look up his proposed policies.

This again? It didnt work for Kerry either. Tell me, dont push me to a website some clerk wrote for you.

However, I am voting for Obama. At least he is up front about who he is and where his ideas come from. Even if I dont agree with some of them...

I'm voting Republican because "hope" is not a prescription or platform to run a country on.

I'm voting Republican because "Bring 'em on" is an excellent prescription or platform to run a country on.

I'm voting Republican because "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran" is a catchy campaign song.

I'm voting Republican because labeling half the first world "The Axis of Evil" is a good platform for both Dungeons & Dragons and to run a country on.

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